Carley has been my friend since forever (pretty much).  I even went to her wedding a few years ago.  And seven months ago, she gave birth to quadruplets. So now she and her babies are celebrities.  Our entire community is celebrating the miracle of these very healthy, very precious babies.
Grace had Roman Day in fifth grade, and so of course her Daddy made her an amazing Athena goddess costume.  Of course.  
Our church’s small group visited an orphanage one Sunday, to play with the kids and bring a whole load of supplies.  I’m not usually a big fan of these kind of one-off events, but when the local church steps up to help take care of orphans, that’s certainly heading in the right direction.  

Pretty cool to see the men from our church get down and play with the kids.
My girls with some of the stuff our group brought.  Visiting an orphanage is hard, but good, for my kids.  For me, it’s just hard.  
Lucy and I have been meeting for almost three years now to work on Kiswahili.  That’s ending because when we come back, I’ll be working full time.  She had matching dresses made for us.  And I am so thankful for her friendship.
Josiah as Aragorn for Book Week at HOPAC
Service Emphasis Week:  When all HOPAC kids go out and serve each day.  Lily’s class went to a local school.
One of my very favorite aspects of Service Emphasis Week is that the older HOPAC students lead and set the example for the younger ones.  So not only do my kids get to interact with kids from a different school, but they get to be influenced by the wonderful “big” kids at HOPAC.

Grace’s U11 basketball team (coached by her awesome Dad!) had an undefeated season, and got silver medals in their tournament.  
Celebrating their great season.
Reach Tanzania’s new cohort of students for 2017!
In assembly yesterday, Grace’s teacher presented her with her fifth grade promotion certificate, since she will miss the ceremony in June.  

Four years ago, I was one of the people whispering in Karen’s ear that she needed to apply to be primary (elementary) principal.  Four years later, she was encouraging me to apply.  I’ve spent much of the last month with her, as she has passed on to me everything she knows about the job.  She leaves me big shoes to fill.  She has been a wonderful principal and a great friend.  Here we are standing in front of the office that will be mine in August.