This Here is Love.

I’ve missed a lot of friends’ weddings during the years we have lived here.  So when my friend Carley announced that she would be getting married just a country away, instead of a continent away, I knew that I wanted to go. 


Carley and I have been friends since 2005.  She is, in fact, the only full-time teacher at HOPAC, besides us, who has stayed since 2005. 

I have a huge respect and admiration for single women missionaries.  The ratio of single women to men on the mission field is something like 30:1.  Kind of pathetic, I know.  But you can imagine the courage and faith that it takes for a single woman, who does desire to be married, to come and serve, especially for multiple years at a time. 

Carley has served faithfully, creatively, and passionately as a single woman in Tanzania for 7 years (and more before that in China).  She is one of the most joyful, positive people I know.  She has poured her whole heart and soul into HOPAC and gave up every Friday night to Youth Group with us for the six years we ran it. 

And now, God has blessed her with Victor, a Kenyan man who is on staff at the church where she attends.  Inter-racial marriage can be complicated, but Carley and Victor have impressed everyone with how they have gone about their relationship with accountability, lots of wise counsel, and prayer.  God has now given them both the desires of their hearts, exceedingly, abundantly.


During the ceremony, the minister said, “Victor, you must learn how to be the perfect American husband.  And Carley, you must learn how to be the perfect Kenyan wife.” 

Isn’t that what marriage is all about?

The fusion of two worlds, two continents, two cultures.  I always cry at weddings, but this one was especially beautiful. 


Such joy.

To God be the Glory!


Awww…You Guys Made Me Ink!


Incalculable Joy


  1. Katie in Times of Spring

    Amy, thank you SO MUCH for posting this!!! Sigh from my side of the ocean. 🙂

  2. Alison H

    Beautiful! Congrats and blessings to Carley!

  3. Christy Marie

    Amy, this is so beautiful!! Thank you for posting!!

  4. Karen Przychodniecz

    Amy, this is a beautiful post. Thank you! Carley did her teaching internship under my direction and it is a blessing to see her looking so happy.


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