

bottle caps

On Saturday night, I held my boy close.

I’m glad that you’re seven, I said.  But do you promise that when you get big you won’t stop cuddling with me?

I’ve made him promise it for years.  But this year, I’m guessing it really will be the last.  He used to come out every morning and say, Mommy, I haven’t gotten my cuddles today.  He doesn’t say that anymore.  And even though he’s only 40 pounds and I can still pick him up, now he doesn’t need me to.

So I hold onto these moments of him being little, even while celebrating seven healthy and (mostly) joy-filled years with my little stinker.

He is energy in motion, every day.  I think he cartwheels more than he walks.  He has a crazy sense of humor and he constantly tries to jump out and scare me.  He is small, but lightning fast, very strong, and obsessed with all sports.  And bottle caps, which represent whichever sports team he happens to currently be obsessed with.

On Saturday, we celebrated with a soccer party.  Which pretty much sums up Josiah.

celebrating Sunday with our Reach Global team (our surrogate family)

and these two….these two are inseparable.  and incorrigible.


After This, American Bridal Showers Will Always Be Boring


All These Children Are Confused


  1. Suzanne Lefler

    Amy, Zach turns 16 the month and still loves a good back rub and tuck in. Don't give up. I also made him promise me over and over that he wouldn't turn into a teenage punk that didn't need hugs and kisses. Overall, he is amazing and my great joy!

  2. Amy Medina

    thanks for giving me hope, Suzanne. 🙂


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