Ready or Not?

(What I’m Teaching, Part 2)

It’s tradition:

Every third term in sixth grade Bible, we take one day a week (for about 10 weeks) to talk about “Preparing for Adolescence.” Gil takes the boys and I take the girls. Ah yes. Remember those days?

It’s great. I love it. I’ve done it now with four groups of sixth grade girls, I think. It’s like one giant slumber party….giggling girls who all want to talk at once and ask the questions they can’t work up the courage to ask their moms.

Now that I’ve seen some generations of girls not just prepare for adolescence but go through it as well, I think my tone has become more urgent over the years. Yikes. I look at these precious little girls in the eyes…little girls who still love life and love their parents and their biggest worry is their math grade. And I know what’s coming.

Please. WAIT to date. Talk to your mom. Listen to your dad. Listen to your doctor when he tells you you are not fat. Give your heart to Jesus, not to boys. Surrender to the cross, not to a razor blade to make yourself feel better. Oh, and did I mention, WAIT to date???

This is the book we’ve always used.

Honestly, I’m not a big fan of it. I wish it did more to point kids to Christ during these difficult years. For example, (okay, getting on soap box here) the first chapter is on self-esteem. The book gives some good suggestions like:

1. Find some really good friends.

2. Find something you enjoy and get really good at it.

3. Remember you are not alone.

and so forth. Good, practical, common sense advice. But you know what’s missing?

1. We are supposed to feel bad about ourselves. We are sinners. We do rotten things. That’s what leads us to the cross.


2. The number one cure for a low self-esteem? STOP THINKING ABOUT YOURSELF!!!! Think about God and think about other people and suddenly your life will not look so bad. Now, of course, I’m not talking about more complicated cases like instances of child abuse. I recognize that it’s not always that simple. I’m talking about your ordinary, run-of-the-mill, “My-life-is-over-because-my-nose-is-too-big” type of low self-esteem. (And, as we all know, this doesn’t go away after the teen years are over. 32-year-olds have to remind themselves of these things as well.)

But I don’t stick too much to the book. And finally the class set is getting worn out, so after this year I am replacing them. I think I know what I want to use, but am always looking for new recommendations on books like this!

So if you think of it, pray for these girls. Pray that what they are learning will sink into their hearts so that they don’t have to learn it the hard way.


Building a Firm Foundation




  1. Anonymous

    wow amy its neat to see what your teaching at hopac

  2. Jen

    I’m curious to know what new book you are looking at using. I’m always looking for resources and like you, I’m not happy with the Preparing For Adolescence. I’ve seen some new resources out there that I’m interested in (Family Life actually promotes some really cool ones) but I’d love to know what you have in mind! =0)

  3. Anonymous

    Ah, Amy I think it’s wonderful what you’re teaching these girls! And this time they are “my” girls from just a year ago. That is so hard to believe. I will praying for them and you as you go through this this next term. Give them big hugs for me!


  4. Amy Medina

    So far I’m most impressed by “So You’re About to Be a Teenager” by Dennis and Barbara Rainey (Family Life!). It is much more biblically based than the Dobson book. The only thing I don’t like about it is that it is too “American” for HOPAC kids, but I don’t know if there’s anyway around that.

  5. Jen

    Thanks for the feedback, Amy! I appreciate it! It’s nice when we can pick each other’s brains for ministry! =0) Thanks and have a GREAT trip! Maybe we can meet one of these times…if we both happen to be in SC at the same time. I have no plans of going there any time soon though. bummer.

  6. Anonymous

    It’s a joy to read about what you’re teaching my precious girls and I continually thank God that He has you both at HOPAC! I’m very curious to know what new book your looking at. Oh, and I’m borrowing some of the things you’ve written for a class I’m taking. Thanks!!
    Love, Janelle

  7. Anonymous

    Oops, I see you’ve already answered my question about what book you’re thinking of using. I’ll check to see if there’s any new resources out when I attend the Children Desiring God conference next month. Talk to you soon!



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