Pulling Weeds While People Are Dying: How Do I Respond to the World’s Suffering?

I pull out the weeds in my lawn and think about how absurd it is that I am pulling weeds while under the same sky, a young man tries to escape his country by hanging onto the wing of a plane.

I put Cheerios into my shopping cart, and jingling monotonously over the loudspeakers is Dance until the morning light/Forget about the worries on your mind/We can leave them all behind. Half a world away, a mother tries to thrust her baby to strangers and safety on the other side of barbed wire.

My daughter and her friend chatter in the backseat about a missed pass in volleyball and how Honors English is so much work. The same moment in time, a 15-year-old daughter of a pastor is pulled from her bed and forced into a marriage of terror, her father watching broken and helpless.

I read about the mountainous landfill in Ghana, filled with cast-off American clothing. Even the poor of Africa are overwhelmed by the influx of our discarded shirts and dresses. I contemplate the statement: “We’re buying 60 percent more clothes now than we did 15 years ago. But we’re keeping them for half as long.” Meanwhile, a few countries over, a doctor dashes around her city, foraging for any bit of cash she can coax from empty ATM machines. 

My house now has two refrigerators in it. Two. Because heaven forbid I go to the grocery store (which is five minutes away) more than once a week. But I justified this because practically everyone in America has more than one fridge and I bought the cheaper one and I buy used clothes and I pull my own weeds instead of paying someone. There’s a whine in my voice and a defensiveness on my face because I don’t want to admit how spoiled I am, despite what meager sacrifices I am making.

Jesus told the story of a master who, before going on a long journey, asked three servants to invest his gold. One received 5 bags of gold, another 3, another one. The first two used the gold to multiply the master’s wealth, and earned great reward on his return. But the servant who received just one bag hid the money away–not squandering it, but not putting it to work either–and the master severely punished him. (Matt. 25)

If I was a servant in that story, I would be a 5-bag servant. I am one of the most privileged people on this planet. I am richer, safer, more educated, and healthier than more than 90% of the world’s population. Maybe 95%. 

If the master in Jesus’ parable judged the servant who was careless with one bag of gold, what would have happened if the servant with 5 bags had been equally irresponsible? 

What will it be like, on That Day, when I must give an account of myself to God? What will I have to show for the resources and opportunities He has given me?  Indeed, it will be by His grace alone that I am even allowed to stand in His presence, but when I present to Him the pile of my good works, will the fire leave behind anything of value? (I Cor. 3)

To whom much is given, from him much will be required. (Luke 12:48)

What is He requiring of me today? 

*photos from Pixabay


Four Walls Replace Patched Tents: Is There Hope for the Homeless?


Hope For Those in a New Place: The Power of Muscle Memory


  1. Matt

    Sounds just like the sermon we heard at church on Sunday. The parable of the rich young ruler.

  2. Steve

    My ponderings exactly and well said Amy

  3. Sherry Peyton

    Hits home here 🙁

  4. Living overseas definitely gives you a different perspective on things.

  5. Ann


  6. So, what are you going to do?

    • I was washing lettuce at my sink today, wondering whether women in Haiti have access to clean water. Yes, we are privileged, and all the world’s sadness is a call to prayer.

    • Gaynelle Newport

      Amy- your words resonate with me also. I read about the daughter of the Afghan pastor, two days ago … while I’m vacationing in Florida! I couldn’t just continue the day as if I didn’t know. All I could do was to pray them- and then write their names down in my journal to keep praying for them. I cannot imagine the agony of both parents and child. May God give them the grace to endure- and give me to grace to pray consistently for those who are called to suffer in horrific ways

  7. Mary Kidwell

    I have had similar thoughts. I ask God what He would have me do, but then I fearfully ask myself, will I obey. May God help us have hearts to obey whatever He asks of us.

  8. Larry Nail

    So good. Great Perspective. We are so blessed and others have so many needs. It’s time to get in the game. This game of life!!

  9. Mary

    I personally believe God wants us to stand up for the weak. We are to defend the defenseless. We need to speak out, stand up, do something. Yes, we need to take care of our families, pull weeds, do dishes, etc.

    But, are you speaking out? Are you standing up? Are you paying attention, trying to be a voice if reasin and try to lead with a Christian world view? Are you hiding in your homes and trying to put your head in the sand?

    If you are hiding, how can you be a soldier for Christ? Are you doing something? Volunteering, donating, standing up for what is right? Are you being the voice of freedom, love, the things thatvare right and speaking agsinst the things that are wrong?

    If you are not doing something. You should be. We were not put on earth to be psmpered, and have an eady life. We were put here to fight for what is right. To be a voice for the right, and against the wrong.

    Stand up, speak out, do something. Help people. Pull your head out of the sand. People are hurting and suffering all around you. Do something about that!

  10. Sharon Whitmore

    I had already been feeling this today so this article really hit me.

  11. I feel the same way and I have been so depressed about it. Not hopeful as I should be. And yes. I volunteer, I give money, I pray for the world. And it all seems insignificant in the face of such pain. But Grace…
    Lord, forgive us for thinking we can fix it all and give us the strength and Grace to do what we can.

  12. Sarah

    I have been feeling the same way and then remembered what Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Start with what’s right in front of you!

  13. Tears…prayers. God have mercy on them, on us, on me.

  14. Karen Mutsch

    Excellent! This should be read often as a reminder. Thank you!

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