
The air is still. And quiet. And heavy. Sweat drips down my back.

We can hear the rain before we can see it, sweeping out from the ocean. A growing rumbling in the distance.

The rain hits the house like it wants to knock it over. Like an overturned bucket. The kids and I stop what we are doing and watch. All the windows are open, and the most beautiful breeze flits through the house. And ah, the smell.

And we wonder, and hope. Is this really it? Has the rainy season started?

But alas. After a half hour downpour, the clouds part and the sun comes out. And it really, really comes out. As if it was insulted that the clouds dared to cover it up. The wonderful breeze is replaced by still air that is stickier than ever. It feels like being soaking wet on a hot day, and then someone drops a heavy, wet, wool blanket over you. Blech.

We know the rainy season will start any day now. And the tell tale sign that it really, really has come is when it doesn’t get hot and humid after every rainstorm. It’s like waiting for spring after winter, you know? Come on…come on….you know you want to get here!

But what am I anticipating even more these days? Hooray! In just a few days, Grace and I will board a plane for California! It’s finally coming! This is the deal: HOPAC has been giving its teachers money every year to use for plane tickets. We were planning on using this money for our Home Assignment, which, as you know, has been postponed. Well, the money had to be used this school year or we would lose it. So…since Gil got to go to the States in November for his brother’s wedding, now its Grace’s and my turn!

We will be there two weeks. That’s about just as long as I can bear to be separated as a family, especially from my little guy who isn’t going to understand why his Mommy disappeared on him. Thankfully, he loves his Daddy very much, who will take great care of him.

It will be wonderful, but also frustrating, since I know there are a million people I want to see…which won’t happen. We will be at Hillside on Easter Sunday and at FCC on April 18th, but the rest of the time is pretty much reserved for family.

Grace and I have been talking about it for a while now, and this is usually how the conversations go:
Mommy: Grace, we’re leaving for America in just a few days!
Grace: Yes, and I’m going to see Mickey!
Mommy: That’s right, but you are also going to see Bibi and Babu and Grandma and Grandpa!
Grace: Yes, and they will give me presents!
Mommy: Well, yes, maybe, but mostly it will be wonderful to see them.
Grace: And I will see Mickey!

Oh dear. What kind of perception does our daughter have about America?

And I am so excited. Ah, to bask in the warmth of the home where I grew up, to take Grace to my favorite places, to feel the joy of seeing her spend time with all the people who love her and miss her so much. And of course, there’s Wal-Mart and Costco and Stonefire…. Sigh.

Just a few more days!


Ready or Not?




  1. Unknown

    And by the time you get back, the rainy season will be in full swing, right?

  2. Anonymous

    The roses, apricot and nectarine trees, poppies, petunias, and many many more flowers are in bloom just for you, waiting for your arrival.

    Love, Babu

  3. jibberish

    Have a great trip! And be sure to give us a call if you get stranded in Memphis for some odd reason!

  4. Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel

    Have a wonderful time. Is this the first time Grace will have visited the U.S.?

    I loved your description of rain coming. I could just smell that African rain smell, all the way from my Maryland basement. 🙂

  5. Becky

    I am so happy for you!!! You two will have a great time! Have fun with your grandparents. I wish I could see you… hopefully next time.

  6. Amy Medina

    This won’t be Grace’s first time in the US, but really the first time that she’s aware of what is going on. I know she will love it…mostly because of the non-stop attention!


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