
During our half-term break, Gil and I took our first “no-Grace” trip for 3 days to celebrate our 7th anniversary. We went to Zanzibar, an inhabited island off the coast of Tanzania. Technically Zanzibar is part of Tanzania, but is culturally much more Arab. We hadn’t been there in years, so this was a special treat. Zanzibar is one of the most fascinating, beautiful, and mysterious places on earth.

Zanzibar from the air. It’s only a 20 minute plane ride away.

Seen at the airport: “Smile U R in Zanzibar” Definitely gave us a good laugh!

We stayed at the “Zanzibar Coffee House:” VERY cool Bed and Breakfast-type place (even though we don’t drink coffee!) in a renovated old Arab house. Check out our bathroom!

The main city on the island is called Stonetown. All the original buildings are made out of coral and have the most fascinating architecture. Intricately carved doors, called “Zanzibar doors” are seen everywhere–even in the most run down buildings.

Zanzibar is 99% Muslim.

Yes, we were really that close to these dolphins! Close enough, in fact, to jump in with snorkels and swim alongside them.

Got even closer to these monkeys–Red Colobus Monkeys, found only in Zanzibar. Have to be careful not stand directly under them!

At night, dozens of vendors set up on the beach selling all kinds of seafood.

Anglican church established by David Livingstone on the site of a former slave market. Notice the mosque steeple right next door.

Wooden path-like bridge through a mangrove forest. It’s hard to see in the picture, but all these trees live in salt water, so the path makes you feel like you are walking on water. Absolutely breathtaking.

Come visit us and we’ll take you with us to Zanzibar next time!


Recipe Adaptations


Let the Nations Be Glad!


  1. jlelovesjesus

    wowsounds like you guys had a fun trip! who watched grace?

  2. Amy Medina

    Grace stayed with some friends in our mission who are her surrogate grandparents. She did great! Didn’t cry the whole time we were gone–and then burst into inconsolable tears as soon as we walked through the door!

  3. ~becca

    hey, this is the second time you’ve promised me a trip to Zanzibar. 🙂

  4. Cat

    gorgeous! just gorgeous!


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