The Year Everyone Left

We’ve been at HOPAC seven years now, so the years start blending together. It’s hard to keep them apart.

But this one will be called The Year Everyone Left.

Because that’s what it feels like.

She is leaving.

And them.

And them.

And them.

And more I don’t have pictures of.

Every year, lots of teachers leave HOPAC. Many come out only for a year or two, so we have a lot of turnover. But there’s always been those “pillars,” those teachers that never leave…the ones you can always depend on to be there next year.

But not this year.

This year they are leaving too.  People like him.

And her.

And him.

And them.  Oh Lord, what will we do without them?  They are our friends, our mentors, the ones we called when we needed a repair man or advice or prayer or wisdom.

All the people who have been serving at HOPAC longer than us are leaving this year.  So that means that now, Gil and I, after being at HOPAC only 7 years, are the veterans.

It feels kind of lonely.

But I am thankful.  A new season will be starting at HOPAC.  God has filled in almost every single gap with new people–some who have already arrived, others who will be getting off those planes in the next two months. 

For example, I am thankful for them.  They arrived a few months ago; he will be our new secondary principal; she is already becoming my friend.

And Kate!  Kate is my friend, and she is NOT leaving.  Yay, Kate!

Many of these pictures were taken at the Annual Staff Appreciation Dinner last week.  It was beautiful.  But you can see that for yourself.

HOPAC teachers, staff, board and spouses, 2009-2010

A HOPAC era has ended; a new one is beginning.  What a privilege to be a part of it all!


Fast Food, Dar es Salaam Style


What’s Kept Me Busy in June


  1. M&B

    Amy…this post has left me in tears. I just feel so burdened to pray for LONG term teachers for HOPAC. I feel for you and Gil saying goodbyes to the "veterans" as well!

  2. M&B

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous

    I'm crying again too! And missing and praying for you as usual.
    Love, janelle


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