When the World’s All That It Should Be

I worry, sometimes, about what’s to come in this life.  You know?  I may be in Africa, but I’m connected to the internet.  I read the headlines.  I know how it is.  I know you do too. 

But I don’t want that worry to make me forget that God has just really, really been blessing us these days. 

We had an awesome July.  Amazing, unforgettable conversations with students–especially those ones that returned from their freshman year of college.  Sweet times of fellowship with new friends…friends that have pre-schoolers, just like us!  Something we’ve hardly had before.  Inspired times of planning with Gil for this new school year.  Time to get done those projects that never seem to get done.  Time to get things done for the school year that usually happen at the last minute and stress me out.  A month that was full but not stressful, productive but not overwhelming. 

HOPAC has awesome new administrators.  Of course, the previous ones were great too, and it was hard to say good-bye to them, but how exciting that the new ones are so full of commitment and vision and passion!  A great staff this year.  Anticipation crackles in the air when we all get together.  Renovation projects going on around the school, making it more beautiful, more community oriented. 

Gil and I are taking over Student Council this year.  It’s been there before, but not had the opportunity to be fully developed.  I’m dropping my sixth grade Bible class to pour into Student Council.  I’m so excited!  Working with an elite group of older students, helping them develop into strong leaders.  So much possibility and opportunity. 

I get to do what I love.  My husband gets to do what he loves.  I don’t want to ever forget what an enormous blessing it is, the huge privilege for us to be here. 

School starts on Monday.  Lots to do!  And my house has been full the last two weeks with people who needed a place to stay:  new teachers just arriving and needing orientation; my friend Emily and her kids just getting back from their home assignment.  Which is why you haven’t seen many posts here lately! 

I praise God for this mountaintop time, knowing that times like this don’t come often and the valley can appear out of nowhere, in an instant.  Life is uncertain, especially in times such as these.  And of course, even in times like this, there is the pain that comes from knowing others that we love are suffering.  Perfection will not come on this side of heaven.  God is in control and God is good, when life is rough, when life is really rough, but also when life is good.  All praise goes to you, my Lord and Savior, from whom all blessings flow. 


Marvelous God


Some Things I Bet You Didn’t Know

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    It sounds like you and Gil have found your "sweet spot." And to think that Gil wanted to serve in a very different place than TZ.


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