What’s Kept Me Busy in June

Coupled with the T-Square incident, I stopped blogging for a couple weeks simply because I had way too many projects going on. Planning the Bible Verse Competitions, being on the graduation committee, being put in charge of the Last Day Assembly, and chaperoning some students on a weekend retreat all kept me pretty busy. But today was the Last Day of School. I am free! Expect a lot more posting in the next week!

Elementary School Bible Verse Quiz winners.  Every year it gets harder and harder to get down to the last three! 

Secondary School Winners

The Secondary School Verse Competition.  The girl holding the microphone on the left won the whole thing. 

Yay Christa!

Some of the sophomores who were such good friends and will almost all be split up next year asked us to chaperone them on a weekend beach trip.  Such awesome, awesome kids…all but three are leaving this year…we will miss them so much!

My kids always convince our teenagers to allow them to play with things like cell phones, cameras, and iPods…you know…those things we never let them touch. This is Josiah, complete with headphones and iPod, and his buddy Jenai on the beach trip.

My kids and me at the beach.  We love that we get to include our kids in our ministry.  We love that they have so many big brothers and sisters to love them.  We love that we can spend a weekend at the beach and call it ministry!

Annual (I can call it annual now because it’s the second year!) Family Graduation Banquet

HOPAC Graduating Class of 2010  (this was yesterday!)

 Beautiful families; beautiful day!



The Last Day of School. 

All School Assembly with many parents in attendance as well.

Gotta love kindergarteners.  And my husband’s ability to capture great shots.

Last songs, last speeches, last times of saying goodbye.  It’s hard, but I love being at a school where everyone is crying on this day: teachers, parents, students.  Because when there are tears, you know there has been a lot of love.


The Year Everyone Left


Those Games

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Crying again!

    Bet you can guess who this is from. (:


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