Welcome to My Front Porch

So, today the vet came.

He sedated Precious [the Rhodesian Ridgeback], then lanced the infection out of her eye, and then injected her eye with antibiotics.

On the front porch.

Under the very interested gaze of my eight-year-old.

Who needs school?

Hey, this is nothing.  When I was a kid in Liberia, the vet neutered our dog on our kitchen table.  

School actually does start tomorrow.  But it can’t possibly be more interesting than this.


Welcome to My Neighborhood


Welcome to Our School


  1. Cecilie

    Hehe, this makes me smile 🙂 nothing like a good African childhood! We just got water again after going without for three days and I almost didn't mind because it reminded me so much of Tanzania 🙂

  2. Herding Grasshoppers

    Woo-hoo! The month after we started homeschooling the SWAT team raided a drug house in our neighborhood – kind of a shock, since it's a "nice" neighborhood. Well, a lot nicer NOW ;D

    VERY educational!

  3. Amy Medina

    ha…excellent. 🙂

    And Cecilie…I'm glad Ethiopia isn't letting you down in your full African experience!


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