A Week in the Life of Us

Okay, okay, so I know it’s been a while since I have blogged (as some of you have so politely reminded me).

The truth is, there hasn’t been anything terribly interesting to write about. And creative topics haven’t been coming to me. Is that called a blogger’s block?

So. I will write about my non-interesting week so that you can see that life in Africa isn’t always an adventure. And despite what I said in my last post, maybe sometimes it is even boring.

We’ve been on vacation this week. For me, that doesn’t mean much except that I don’t teach my sixth grade Bible class (which is only 4 hours a week anyway). More significantly, it means that Gil is home.

Often we try to get away during our school breaks. But this time, with prices going up all over place, we decided we didn’t have the money, we weren’t ready to leave Josiah overnight, and there just aren’t too many toddler-friendly places around here anyway.

So. Then our not-so-exciting break turned even more un-exciting when Gil got sick Saturday-Sunday-Monday and Grace and Josiah got sick Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, including the oh-so-wonderful Wednesday when Grace cried pretty much the whole day due to an ear ache.

So we visited the doctor and got meds. Lots of them. “Mommy,” Grace told me that night after getting totally doped up, “I have nose drops and ear drops…and mouth drops!” (referring to the cough syrup). What can I say? My dad is a pharmacist. I believe in medicine.

But there were some highlights along the way.

Tuesday we went to the pool.

Nope! She’s not drowning. She’s swimming!

And the happy little guy. Who actually isn’t that happy while I am writing this because he still doesn’t feel good. But he was happy in the pool.

Yesterday Gil did a photo shoot for two girls who are very special to us.
And their parents are doing very important work assisting Bible translation.

Victoria, grade 7

Christa, grade 9. (I know you are reading this, Christa! Do you like my choice?)

Today we went to Tanzania’s one-and-only mall to get Grace’s ears pierced, since every Tanzanian little girl has her ears pierced. But we discovered that the jewelry store is closed on Fridays because the owners are Muslim (Fridays for Muslims are kind of like Sundays for Christians). So then we had to explain to Grace that, no, she wasn’t going to get to wear her earrings today after all. She was sad. Probably because she didn’t really realize that “getting your ears pierced” actually involves piercing.

We also got to host our mission team meeting on Monday night, have some teens over for dinner on Tuesday night, and last night, Gil and I went to go see a free movie about the Red Cross during the “European Film Festival.”

And today, while doing some grocery shopping and noticing that the price of disposable diapers has increased AGAIN, I decided, THAT’S IT!, I’m going to cloth. (Though I have made that decision before and changed my mind…so we’ll see).

So now, at this moment, while waiting for pictures to download, I am researching cloth diapers. I do already have some, and Grace uses them at night, but they are the old-fashioned kind which you have to fold and pin. I didn’t realize until recently the amazing cloth diaper diversity that is out there! Any suggestions from anyone? I’m a little overwhelmed with all the choices….

There you have it. A vacation week in the life of an American couple living in Africa with two small children. Whether you really wanted to know all those details or not.




Settlers of Catan, Version 6.2


  1. Georgia

    hi Amy, i recently switched to cloth also, after researching them for a long while. i found it most economical to use prefolds with covers. there are inexpensive covers, like Prowraps, which work really well for a friend of mine. i chose wool covers (Imse Vimsy brand) because they had high ratings at Diaperpin.com, because they are breathable yet waterproof when properly cared for, and because they are cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather, so good for any climate. i’ve been using cloth for a few weeks, and have just decided to use disposables at night so that Ezekiel doesn’t wake up in the wee hours feeling all wet and cold.

  2. Anonymous

    Thanks. Now my life can resume as planned. What’s my morning computer time without reading your blog? If I were you, I’d beg every American visitor I got to bring me a box of diapers! That way you would at least have some. 🙂

  3. Amy Medina

    True, but we also like our visitors to bring us things like licorice and jelly bellies and things like that. And wet wipes. I mean, they can’t bring us everything. 🙂 And I can get diapers here….but now they are up to about 50 cents each…and that has hit my limit!

    And thanks for your advice, Georgia!

  4. Anonymous

    thanks for the update amy its no fun having sick kids espically if your on vacation.

    hope everybody is feeling better!

  5. Jayme Solomon

    Hi Amy! Thanks for sharing a week in your life… It’s good knowing that your weeks look some-what similar to ours. I know! Diapers are so expensive. Since I get them at Costco, they are usually about $.22/ea. That definitely seems like a lot of money when you go through 5 or 6 a day. I hope that you find some good cloth ones… Maybe potty training will happen quicker for Josiah then. (I’m definitely not looking forward to training Josh.) I’ll probably have to wait till after the new baby comes… Having a newborn and potty training doesn’t sound like fun either…. Well, I’m definitely rambling.. Talk to you soon.

  6. five_solas

    My friend Emily swears by “Bumgeniuses”. I’m not so sure about them… but I’m not using diapers quite yet. Just check them out too.

  7. da halls

    Isn’t it funny how someone else’s “boring” is interesting to others? Kind of like garage sales, one person’s junk is another’s treasure.

    Thank you for sharing your week. Bummer it didn’t turn out like you would have liked. Maybe when you read through this entry in a year or two you will find it as interesting as I did. 80)

    I am absolutely no help in the cloth diaper department. I’ve considered it many times . . . but just reading that you are paying 50 cents a diaper I would so be in the same boat as you. A good friend of ours has some tips for cloth diapers, etc on her blog http://www.dinghome.net/articles/babycare.htm

    I sooo understand you not being ready to leave your little guy overnight, yet, with him only being with you for such a short time.

    Gotta go eat banana splits with my hubby for our “raisin” tonight (raisins are smaller than dates – we consider “raisins” as practice dates for when someday we actually get to go out on a real date again someday!).


  8. The Things We Do

    Amy, a friend of mine uses them and she’s quite the frugal deal researcher and she sent me this because I’m helping my mom get them for my sister who is in Mexico and doesn’t have access to cloth or disposable so much. Hope it can be helpful to you. This is for the newest kind with the velcro so they are pricey but she said that she bought the infant size and they are very adjustable so they last a long time.

    “I’ve searched and the
    cheapest brand is kushies and the best place to buy them is
    http://basicallybaby.com/ they also have free shipping. I’ve found two packs (10 diapers total) really are all I need.
    They are $40-$50 a pack depending on the size. You may also want to get the wet bags, they are great,

    She also uses flannel receiving blankets and cut up men’s t-shirts to make her own cloth wipes. That way you don’t have a wipe to throw away you can just wrap it in the diaper and then throw it all in the washer together. If you use the t-shirts you don’t have to sew the edges, they don’t fray.

  9. Amy Medina

    Yay! Thanks for all the great recommendations, ladies! I’m looking up all of them right now.

  10. Sammye & Tumaini

    Amy — We are your paparazzi. Your blog is much better than http://www.people.com 🙂 So proud of Grace’s swimming skills!

  11. Anonymous

    i know a few gals who use Bum Genius and love them. Especially good stuff I know about them…you can get liners for extra protection during the night and I think one size adjusts to fit infant to toddler. Hope it works out. I can purchase and ship for you if thats better than ordering from there.

    Love to you!

  12. Anonymous

    Beautiful pictures Gil!

  13. Amy Medina

    thanks, ladies! I ended up ordering a sample package that will give me about 5 different brands to choose from. Gil’s going to the states for his brother’s wedding and will bring them back with him!


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