The View

While he was sitting in the hammock on our porch, grading papers, Gil said, “I feel like I’m on vacation, but I just have to work.”

Ahhh…yes. Despite the fact we still have barely any running water in the house (they are working on it), everything is just. so. lovely.

Photos taken from the porch:

(that’s the Indian Ocean)


Adventures in Moving


Trying to Even Up the Score


  1. Anonymous

    great pics amy

  2. Unknown

    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
    I feel that way about our home here in Idaho. Despite some recent trials, being somewhere where God’s beauty is so clear in His creation makes it easier somehow.

  3. Heather Pelczar

    BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I feel the same way about our house in Italy. Don’t you love god’s tenderness in caring for us? I love that He saved this house for you and it is so restful for you in spite of the trials you have going on.


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