

Just a few days before we left Tanzania, our good friend Dyan did this beautiful photoshoot for us. 

Hoping to get a good prayer card picture out of this!

Since it is so weird to know that our picture ends up on hundreds of refrigerators, anyone out there have an opinion on which picture to use?  🙂



Compelled by Love


All Things Good


  1. Janelle

    I want them all on my refrigerator! And I love all you posts, but I thought the last 2 (despite the controversy were excellent!)!

    I was sad that I couldn't connect with you before we left. Rudy wasn't just willing to let me stay longer, but wanted to try to make a way for me to visit you. But I knew it wan't the right time.

    Thanks you for all your encouraging posts comments on the blog and your emails. It amazes me how in all my struggles over the last several years (since before I left TZ till now) I've felt you really understood and cared and would also give wise advise. Thank you!
    Love, Janelle

  2. Laura L.

    I like the sideways one – the kids are extra happy! 🙂

  3. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    Beautiful beautiful pictures!! What a lovely family you have!

  4. The Things We Do WA

    5th one down seems the most prayer-card worthy. 🙂

  5. The Guthries

    The 5th picture down is the one, I think. Especially with the flag in the background :0) I like them all.

  6. Babu

    How do I get copies?????

  7. M&B

    I love them all!! My favorites are the 5th and 6th one! I like the graffiti because it's a little different! Original!

  8. Brenda

    5 and 6! Such a fun photo shoot!


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