Those Kids

Probably one of the most commonly asked questions we get is, “How have your kids adjusted to the States?”

Well, let’s see here.

They have grandparents who paid for gymnastics and ballet lessons and Happy Hollow passes.  They have other grandparents who bought them season passes to Disneyland.  And even though the agreement was that these “experiences” would replace the grandparents’ need to buy “stuff” for the grandchildren, the amount of “stuff” in their bedroom would prove otherwise.

They are on basketball and soccer teams.  They go to Awana.  They have bikes and scooters and most exciting of all….pajamas and jackets!  

Imagine taking all the “spoiling” that’s done to your kids (by grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, etc) over a period of four years and squishing it all into one year.  That pretty much sums up the kind of year they are having.

So yeah….I’d say they’ve “adjusted” just fine.  

Jedi Training Academy at Disneyland

ummm…do you think he is small for his age?  

But he makes up for his size with pure, unadulterated energy.  

Princess Ballet. Enough said.

Swagger Girls Basketball Team–undefeated!

Getting “Princessified”

with my aunt Krista….one of many who loves to spoil them!

They will probably need to be detoxed in July.  But at the end of the day, they still love Tanzania.  Grace is counting the days. “Only four months until we go back!”  she declared to me this morning.

She too is learning to love this two-world life.  


Don’t Be So Predictable (Rethinking Short-Term Missions, Part 4)


Wisteria in My Soul


  1. Bibi Walton

    Oh boy! These pictures bring back memories of one other little one from TZ who did all of these things over several years. You have 'squished' a LOT in your time here. I LOVE these pictures!

  2. Amy Medina

    Bibi Walton, I'm sure you are a master at squishing as well!

  3. Alyssa

    Learning to love this two-world life, just like her mom.


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