Those Games

The entire world is focused on South Africa right now. Except perhaps, the United States of America, which prefers its baseball and basketball and American football. Even Josiah, at 2 ½ years old, knows how to distinguish between a football and a ‘merican football.

Did you know that worldwide, the World Cup is bigger than the Olympics? I don’t think I would have known that if I had lived my life in the States. Well, and if I hadn’t been married to a maniac soccer…er…football fan. This morning he left for South Africa for a week. Which he’s been talking about for the last four years. I have to go, he told me. Because South Africa is so close. Yeah, close. Like Chicago is close to Los Angeles, that kind of close. But how could I disappoint him? Since he’s been talking about it for four years? The first plan was that he and about 25 of his students would take a road trip down there. But let me tell ya, taking a road trip through Zambia and Zimbabwe and Botswana isn’t exactly the same as a road trip through Utah and Kansas and Colorado. Small differences, like you don’t need three visas and an armored vehicle to get through Kansas. So you could say I was relieved when he decided to fly. Needless to say, the enthusiasm of the students (or rather, their parents) waned over the last few years and now there are only 4 students going with him. But they are very, very, very excited. So I am excited for them.

He’ll be at the Spain game on Monday and the USA game on Wednesday. So if you join the world in watching, look for him in the stands! And the rest of the time he’s there? Well, he’ll be shopping for me! Of course.

So this week I am officially a World Cup Widow. And how will I be filling my time? By potty training Josiah.

Let the games begin!


What’s Kept Me Busy in June


The Dar es Salaam Driving Experience: In Pictures


  1. Anonymous

    haha hope gil has a good time and hope potty training is a success for you amy!

  2. jibberish

    Go, mama, go! 🙂

    –'cuz everybody needs a cheering section!

  3. Anonymous

    Can you give other Mom's suggestions on how to potty train?

  4. Amy Medina

    Potty training suggestions? Well..I've only done it once so far…we'll see how it goes this time!

  5. Anonymous

    Hi Amy! We just watched USA finally score against Algeria in the game Gil is at! I'm happy for Gil and the students! And the break I read your blog about it to my family and you had us all laughing. Hope you're still laughing at the end of your week of potty training. My mom says she hopes Josiah is scoring goals! My dad says he hopes Josiah is aiming to please! (:

    Love, Janelle

  6. Amy Medina

    Janelle, you and your family make me laugh! Tell your mom that Josiah has scored many goals; he is doing great! However, tell your dad that his aim is not that great yet. Still working on that. 🙂 Ha ha….


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