The Boy with the Million Dollar Smile

My boy turned six recently.  

Josiah shares a birthday with his Uncle Brandon, and this was the very first year they got to celebrate together.  In fact, it’s the first time he’s ever celebrated a birthday with any extended family.  

He’s a little guy for his age, but he makes up for it with energy and physical strength.  Josiah weighs 36 pounds (3rd percentile!), but he can do 10 pull-ups, hold a perfect head stand for 20 seconds, and has a very visible six-pack on his lean mean body.  We put the kid in gymnastics this year.  It might be his destiny.  

But really, he would rather just play soccer.  

I’m a sucker for my little buddy’s smile.  Sure am glad he is in my life.  


Proud to be an Evangelical Orphan Lover


Eternity in My Heart


  1. Amanda

    We can vouch for the pull-ups! Loved meeting this little dynamo with the irresistible smile.

  2. Alyssa

    I love this boy!!!

  3. Jessica

    Cooper and Hayden keep asking when they will get a chance to play soccer with Josiah. If you happen to be in Northern California around Christmas, please let us know!


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