That Little Guy

So I know it’s been a while since I updated you on that skinny little boy we want to bring home.

We went once….twice….to try to see the big boss and he was not there.  Finally, I got the number of a kind secretary who agreed to let me call her in advance to see if he was in.  And today was the day.

So Gil and I went.  And we talked to him.  And he was indeed kind, and supportive, and interested in our story.  Praise God for this man.

I think it went as well as it could have gone.  We are not totally in the clear yet, because there are a few more channels to get through.  He sent us to see someone else who was not in today.  I will try again on Thursday. 

But maybe, maybe.  It’s looking good.  But I have learned not to get my hopes up too soon.  So those emotions are still stuffed….I’ve gotten good at that! 


Four-Year-Old Perspective


The Dark Cloud


  1. jibberish

    Thanks for the update–I've been wondering about that little guy!

  2. Becky

    Oh good!!! I've been wanting to know if there was any news!

  3. da halls

    I've been wondering (and praying).
    Thanks for the update!


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