That Guy

My whole life, I wanted to be a missionary in Africa.  

I also really, really wanted to be married.

I didn’t really think that I would get both.  After all, the ratio of single missionary girls to single missionary guys is like 30:1.  (I know, it’s pathetic.)  

I figured that was a sacrifice I might have to make.  I was all set to go out single when Gil (and God) intercepted those plans.  I wrote out the story a few years ago here, if you’re interested.  

But even though I knew I was marrying a dynamite, missions-minded guy, I still didn’t really know for sure if God would take him to Africa.  

But He did–nine months after we got married.  

And now, after spending 10 of our 13 1/2 years in Africa, we’re going back again.  

How thankful I am for this guy, who has remained my best friend and partner in ministry in Africa.  Don’t think for a minute that I underestimate the significance of this blessing.  

Last week, we ditched the kids and spent a few days in Pacific Grove, celebrating our 13 1/2 anniversary. (We were on the road for our 13th and probably won’t really get a chance to celebrate the 14th.)  

We really do have a lot to celebrate.  To God be the glory.




Diary of an International Transition: Countdown 5 Days


  1. Anonymous

    Congratulations! You serve God together better than either of you could apart. That's wonderful.

  2. Alyssa

    I know what it's like to live that dream. I get to be in Africa with my, "that guy." Let's not take it for granted!


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