Thanks, Guys.


Dear Blog Readers,


Hi.  I really like you guys. 


I love writing.  And you guys read what I write.  So…thank you!


I have been doing a lot of shopping lately.  We have a lot of people to thank, and a lot of birthdays and other holidays coming up in America. 


But while I was doing all that shopping, I also thought of you guys, my readers. 




So I bought you these.  Do you like them?  They are boxes carved in Zanzibar style, which is my favorite type of carving here. 


I know, I know, there are only two.  And I think there are about 200 of you.  I couldn’t buy 200 boxes. 

So……we’re going to do a drawing!  Ooooooh…I’m so excited.

All you have to do is leave a comment.  (I’ll tell you how to do that below.)

There are a couple of reasons I am doing this:

1.  I want to thank you for sticking with my blog.

2.  Because I want to know who you are.  If I have a real-life conversation with you in America, it really helps me to know if you are reading my blog.  Because, well, then I know that you know me.  It’s kind of weird, actually, to think that you know me so well and I don’t know you nearly as well.  But still good to know. 

So would you tell me who you are? 

This is the deal:

Leave a comment and tell me you are reading my blog.  You can do this one of two ways:

If you have a gmail account or blogger account, just sign in with that username. 

If you do not have a gmail account, then you can leave an anonymous comment.  How will I know who you are, you ask?  Well….sign your name after your comment!  Then the anonymous comment won’t be anonymous anymore….crazy how that works.

If I don’t know you, would you please let me know how you found my blog? 

And if the whole comment thing is just too technological for you, then just send me an email and tell me that you read my blog. 

I will wait about a week, put all the names into a hat, and let you know the winners!

I am willing to send these boxes anywhere in the world. 

Oh, one more thing.  If you live in East Africa and already have a half dozen Zanzibar boxes in your house, then if I choose your name, I will send you a bag of American candy of your choice!

Thanks for reading!


The Wonderful Life of Grace Medina, Part 2, and the People Who Make it Wonderful


Crazy Love


  1. The Guthries

    This looks like fun :0) I do not remember how I found your blog, I probably googled either missionaries in Africa or international teachers who blog :0) I love your honesty, how you love your school and your adoption journey and I love Africa, so stories of life there are very interesting to me.
    Bless you,
    Carin in Bolivia

  2. Tim Challies

    I don't even remember how I found your blog, but it was probably through my wife. She tends to find interesting things for me to read!


  3. Unknown

    Hi! Amanda Jones recommended your blog to me when we began the process of adopting our daughter. I enjoy getting to peek into your life

  4. Jen

    Hi Amy!

    Cool giveaway!!!!!!! I don't even remember who found who first! Did you find me first or did I find you first? I don't remember how! We've never met in person but I've followed your blog for years now and we have tons of mutual friends in the states. I think you followed me on for awhile and I'm not sure if you follow my main blog or not but there it is if you want the url.

    I too love your blog because of your honesty and down to earth writing. I've enjoyed following your adoption stories but mostly I've loved hearing your perspectives on culture and missions. While we haven't been called to foreign missions, being in full time American ministry has had a lot of correlations so I can relate to a lot of what you say. I love that you are not politically correct or even religiously correct! We think so much alike, it's like we could be sisters.


  5. Anonymous

    This is fun. I'm Melissa Bither at CrossWinds Church, Moreno Valley. I am one of the worship leaders and a member of the mission board. I enjoy reading your blog not only to know how to pray for your mission but more so it gives me a greater understanding of the life you and other missionaries live away from home. You honesty and openness, the beautiful pictures, updates on your kids, are all very compelling. It's also fun to vicariously travel to another place in the world through your adventures and experiences. Thanks. Hope to see you when you come to the states.

  6. luldrich

    How fun! I love keeping up with you guys and your little ones (not so little anymore!) It's fun knowing we knew you before you were the two of you!

  7. Anonymous


    I must be honest. I don't read your blog often. (However, Carol does). I do read your prayer letters and emails. I read the blog this time because your prayer letter enticed me. We look forward to seeing you soon.


  8. Anonymous

    Amy,Hi! This is fun. I've known you for many years and you even babysat our kids when they were young (and you were too 🙂 I've always loved reading your blogs over the years and so much appreciated your honesty. Thank you for making our daughter feel so at home there in Dar when she came there to work for a few months. Hopefully we'll get to see you sometime when you're here in the states over the next year. Janet

  9. Anonymous

    I have read your blog ever since I found out you were doing it. I love being in touch, and hope to see you while you are in Santa Clarita.

    BTW, Tim Challies, I think I introduced you to Amy's blog – at least the first link from your page was after I told you about her comments on the New Town shootings and life for children in Africa. I was glad to see another link later. Amy, you have a lot of insight.

    Dr. Adams

  10. Anne

    My family and are in missionaries in Italy. I do not remember how I found your blog, but I do enjoy it. 🙂

  11. tulip

    Hi, I'm Melissa in Idaho. I believe I found your blog through Jen (she's already commented…she and I used to be neighbors!). Anyway, I love reading your blog. I think your insights and daily "adventures" are hilarious and the pictures you post of the scenery are wonderful. We also have a daughter about the same age named Lily. We've been with you for years. Looking forward to reading more of your adventures, wherever God sends you!

    Blessings from Idaho!

  12. Anonymous

    Hi Amy!

    Sending a shout out from So Cal. We enjoy your blog and are thankful for you & Gil and the impact you've had in our lives… even now as we prepare to go, Lord willing! Would love to see you on your furlough. Praying for your housing situation.

    ~Justin & Rebecca B.

  13. Anonymous

    I don't actually have any cool Zanzibar boxes yet, but I'm sure I will soon! I'm moving to Dar two weeks from Monday, and just bought your oven. I think I originally found your blog when I was searching for information on HOPAC. And now I'm moving there!


  14. Evelyn

    Greetings from Canada!
    Sending our thoughts and prayers, especially re: your latest prayer item.
    We so enjoy reading your blog, and keeping up to date on HOPAC and TZ… our hearts are very much there! First heard about your blog from our wonderful, mutual friend Janelle.
    Blessings, Stephen and Evelyn M

  15. theologista

    umm…. not sure how i found it. maybe through your emails or possibly a link on facebook?

  16. Amanda

    Very cool! We would love another Tanzania treasure added to our household. The black wood candlesticks, Christmas ornament, and leather painted bookmarks are all much enjoyed. And I clearly remember how I found you: across the dorm hall my freshman year of college. God is good!

  17. Anonymous

    We found you at Hillside, but mostly because your parents' own wide ministry has so wonderfully impacted our lives. We can see that you have their awesome trait of being organized and prepared, yet fully yielded to God! We are praying for your housing situation and awaiting another story of God's timing and providence. You have such a gift in the way that you write about what He does in your life! We keep up with your prayer emails, but usually only follow your blog when it is referenced there. So, please don't put our names in the hat….it should go to a faithful blog reader!
    Samantha & Keith Elliott

  18. Anonymous

    Hi Amy,
    You may get a duplicate comment?! I discovered your blog through your newsletters and enjoy reading your thoughts. You are gifted in writing them. We do pray for you and your family and are so grateful for the opportunity to visit you, your family and school. I am a recent blog reader and may have opty to get a beautiful box when there sometime, so I don't need to be in the drawing. Just want you to know I am reading the blog.
    Debbie Wardle

  19. Anonymous

    Hi Mrs. Medina! I've wanted to comment on a couple of your posts before, but I guess I was too shy 🙂 My name is Moyra Dyer and I go to Hillside church. I found your blog about a year ago. I remember it was after VBS one day and I was looking on the GO wall for missionaries in Africa that I could read about and pray for. I saw that you guys taught at HOPAC and I was like, "hey, I want to teach at an MK school!" (kind of a long story behind that, maybe when you come back if you have a little bit of spare time we could talk? =) ) so I picked up the current newsletter and saw the blog's URL and I've been reading it ever since! Reading your blog has been such a blessing, you have amazing insights on things 🙂 Also its been really cool to see that halfway around the world y'all are impacting high schoolers just like me for Christ, in the same way that the high school leaders/Christian teachers that I know are impacting me! Thank you so much for writing on this blog, it's AWEsome to see how God is using you guys in Tanzania. It brings a smile to my face every time you post something new 😀
    P.S. I like writing too, but between school, homework, and sports, I don't really have time for leisure writing 😛 also, your mother may have mentioned a girl who was adopted from Ukraine who has been her helper in the kindergarten Sunday school class for the past year and a half. Her name is Karolina and she is my sister 🙂

  20. Amy Medina

    Thanks to everyone who has commented so far!

    Dr. Adams….thanks for recommending me to Tim Challies, and Tim, thanks for linking to a couple of my posts. The times you have done that, I have received more hits than all of my other posts combined!

    And Jen…sometime we need to meet somewhere besides the virtual world!

    To all the rest of you…thank you! It warms my heart to read your words!

  21. Amy Medina

    oh–and I am still accepting comments until about Friday!

  22. Jeremy and Paulina


    Paulina and I keep up with you guys through your blog. It is exciting to see where God will be leading you and how you will continue to have an impact for Christ.

    Jeremy and Paulina Hill

  23. Cecilie

    I LOVE reading your blog Amy, not only in order to keep in touch with your Family, but I also love reading your musings about life in Tanzania, and life in general 😉 Thank you for being willing to share glimpses of your life with the rest of the World! Love from Denmark!

  24. Sammye Walton

    You know me 🙂 If I win, I want you to send me a bag of chocolate covered "super berries" from Trader Joes 🙂

    Love your blog. Always have, always will, and always find inspiration in your words. Enjoy the trip home, and kiss the ground in California for me.

  25. Anonymous

    Hi Amy, I like your blog because I know you and I love to read about your family adventures in Tanzania 🙂 Hugs, Holly Dane 🙂

  26. sarah eden

    I do! I do! I loved reading how everyone has found you or come to know you through your words, and is attracted by your openness and honesty. And as someone who does know you in the real non-blog world, that openness and honesty is the real deal–I love it about you. I love that it comes across in your blog, and I love there's no duplicity to your character. You are who you are, and I am so blessed to know you. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back! XO

  27. Anonymous

    Hi Amy,
    It's Amy Hathaway from Forever Angels.

    I read your blog because I LOVE seeing photos of Lilly as she grows up in such a great family.

    Also, because in 12 months from now, we will also be packing up and leaving this place we call home…and it is nice to read how you are coping with the transition to give us some idea of the coming months.

    Good luck as you leave this beautiful, amazing, frustrating, slow, colourful, sad, funny, country we have called home for so long.

  28. Alyssa

    I don't want your box or your candy–I want you to come back to me after a year. Think it's too long. Did I ever tell you how much your blog meant to me when I was homesick? And you are my writing inspiration. Love you, sweet friend.

  29. Anonymous

    Medinas! It's Cathleen from back in the day at HOPAC – I've been reading your blog ever since I came back to the States – I miss life overseas, you guys, the students at HOPAC, the Indian Ocean, everything… makes me feel like I'm back there with you guys when I read you blogs. AND it always draws me closer to Jesus, which is the main reason.
    love, Cathleen (cathleengosselin[at]

  30. Janelle

    Oh my dear friend Amy,
    I wish I could better express my thanks and praise to God for His work in you life. The wisdom, truth, love and grace seen on your blog is just a glimpse of what those of us who have known you in person have seen God produce in wonderful abundance in your life.

    Please don't put my name in the drawing, as I already have my own little Zanzibar box, but I just had to add my comments. I started loving your blog when I had the joy of living in your yard and being Grace's auntie. I became addicted when I left. Your blog helped sooth my intense homesickness for TZ and it continues to keep me connected to people I love and a place I will always miss. Thank you!!
    With much appreciation and love,

  31. Alisa

    Amy, I first heard about your blog from Janelle (aka-my sister :)) I enjoy your passion for God and love to hear what He is doing in your life and in TZ. Blessings, Alisa

  32. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    I have enjoyed keeping up with your family, praying for you all and seeing your family grow these past years. Obviously, I found your blog because I know you personally and get your mission updates. Praying for you all as you transition back to the States for a year and then onto new adventures God has awaiting for your family.

  33. Weavers

    Hey there 🙂

    My mom actually stumbled onto your blog one day and then sent the link on to me because our family will be moving to Dar in January to work with Wycliffe! I have LOVED reading your blog and gaining some more perspective on what will be our home soon 🙂

    We have three children (ages 4,3 and 10mos) and so this move is HUGE for us, and getting any bit of information on where were going is invaluable! Thanks for blogging! Maybe someday we'll meet each other

  34. Anonymous

    Hi Amy,
    Thanks for blogging and keeping us all updated! My wife and I are both encouraged in how you deal with the challenges and joys of ministry there in TZ. We are excited to see you guys when you return!

    – Scott McDiffett

  35. Anonymous

    Amy, your blog is pretty much my favorite thing to read in the world, but you don't need to enter my name in the drawing. 🙂

    -Heather Lima

  36. Anonymous

    Hey Amy! This is Q…. and I like Skittles 😉 Hi-5's all around to your kiddos… and that big kiddo of yours too! Can't wait to spoil y'all in NC!!

  37. Unknown

    Hi Amy-
    I love reading your blog and learning more about your family's life in TZ. I love your honesty and the passion you have for those you interact with in Tanzania. I'm excited to see you while you are home in the states!

  38. Laura L.

    Hi Amy, I've been reading your blog forever and I just wanted to say how much I always appreciate your honesty, openness, truthfulness and generosity – so you, so Christ! You don't need to send me a box as I've got too much African stuff already! But I don't think I told you we are expecting #3 at Christmas, so I would take chocolate! 🙂 Anyways, hope to see you "soon" when you pass through Arizona!
    – Laura (Vaughan) Lanting

  39. Unknown

    Hi Amy, I heard about your blog from Hillside Church ABF. We love reading about what you are accomplishing in Tanzania and we pray for you just about every day. We are looking forward to meeting you when you get to Northern California.
    Sue Unruh

  40. Babu

    Actually we are fans of yours from long ago. Have read every blog entry and loved every one. You are a gifted writer, more so than you will admit. Still think that God wants you to write children's books.

  41. Anonymous

    Amy. I don't want to be in the drawing but just to say hi. Yes I love your blog. Let us know if you are in Florida during your furlough. Bryan Harrison

  42. Anonymous

    Hi Amy! It is Paulina here. I just wanted you to know I do read your blog whenever I get the chance. I love your insights on various topics and how much you share from your heart. And I know your contest is over…which is alright. But I do want you to know that I enjoy reading your blog! Have a wonderful time in America!


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