Thankful Things In My Life That Simply Do Not Fit Into a Cohesive Post

I read all seven Harry Potter books for the first time in the last four months.  I am now officially a Harry Potter fan.

I finished six classes towards my Master’s degree in Biblical Counseling at the end of February.  It took me 3 1/2 years.  I had paid for those six classes, and so I was determined to finish them, but I had decided a while ago that I wouldn’t go on and finish the MA for a number of reasons.  Now, I am free and clear and don’t know what to do with myself.

Maggie, the student living with us, just got full-rides to Stanford and MIT.  Oh my.  My first thought was that she would freeze to death.  My second thought was that I am scared for her to be introduced to American culture.  Oh, and of course, there was plenty of screaming and hugging and dancing.

Grace just did a back flip into the swimming pool for the first time yesterday and shocked all of our socks off. 

Grace and Josiah’s current favorite song is “Shackles” by Mary Mary because they saw it performed at HOPAC’s Talent Show.  I think we have listened to it about 300 times in the last three weeks, and every time they try to perform it just like the kids at the show.  Josiah always asks me, “Mommy, Can you put on “Take the Shackles Off My Feet So I Can Dance?”  I wake up in the middle of the night and the song is going through my head.

The rain has finally come.  Good for the earth.  Good for the soul.  Bad for the traffic.

Now that I am done with my online classes, I am praying about what is next.  Pretty sure I am going to get involved with Teacher Care at HOPAC.  My mind is swimming with ideas. 

I am incredibly proud of Student Council this year and all the great things they have done.  A few weeks ago, they put on a huge “Community Night” which included a Talent Show, basketball game and soccer game.  Over 400 people came.  It was fantastic.  Hence the origination of “Shackles.” 

My grandma’s memorial service was yesterday.  Sad.  Missing my family.

Spring break is coming in a couple weeks.  We are thinking of going up to Nairobi to visit with three other MK schools and get inspiration and ideas.  That is, unless we will be going to Mwanza to pick up our little girl.  Not very hopeful on that, but it could happen.

Social worker told me on Thursday that the commissioner has given us approval.  I would be more excited, but am waiting to see it in writing first.  I have learned the hard way about getting excited too soon.

God is good.  I love this Season. 


Getting Close


Waiting to Meet That New Little Life

1 Comment

  1. Kimcoutts

    Everybody loved what you wrote (and Bibi read) at the memorial. Wish you could have been here. The reception after went fairly well, better than the one for your Grandpa.
    Love you,


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