Taking Inventory

Trying to pack. Bought lots of wooden gifts. Trying to find clothes to pack around the wooden gifts so that they won’t break.

Stared at the closets. Here’s what I found:

Sandals, sundresses, shorts, short-sleeve shirts. Hmmm. Even for California in winter, not going to work.

Grace: two pairs of pants, one sweater. No closed-toed shoes.

Josiah: a few pairs of long pants, one jacket.

Amy: 3 pairs of pants, 1 long-sleeved shirt, 1 jacket, 1 pair of Keds.

Gil: lots of pants (of course), one sweatshirt, one jacket.

Can you tell we live in the land of eternal summer?

Now, before you start worrying about your winter-deprived missionaries freezing to death, my best friend Anne has already been on it, and has quite a collection of clothes for us to borrow. We’ll be fine. Grace will have to sport the socks-with-sandals look for our overnight layover in London, but she’ll be so thrilled that she finally gets to wear socks, that no one will mind a bit.

My main concern is how exactly I am going to pack all those wooden gifts without any padding. Or newspaper. Or bubblewrap. Any ideas?


Even Better Than the First Time


Adoption: The Very Heart of God


  1. Carley

    got any old towels? 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    yeah i was thinking the same thing use towels

  3. Sammye & Tumaini

    Wrap them in kangas, and leave the kangas as gifts 🙂

  4. Anonymous

    Use the clothes.

  5. Amy Medina

    um, yeah, I am using the clothes. I just don't have enough!

  6. Bryan

    Pack them and the clothing in either plastic containers or cardboard boxes, then place inside your suitcase. Should not be a weight problem.

  7. Galadri

    Maybe try popcorn? Cheap, light and potentially edible!

  8. Kevin and Robin McGee

    enjoying your posts!!
    can you buy scarves and kikoys there? scarves are very "in" in the states right now and they make great gifts, too… Kikoys are just about as useful as a kanga (light blanket in the car or plane, picnic blanket, beach wrap, a lot of my friends want them for nursing cover-ups – they make great gifts!) so I agree with the kanga suggestion as well. And you can always use tp… =)
    On your way back if you need 'no weight fillers' in your luggage for the extra space when your weight is about filled up, use rolls of paper towels, charmin and new fluffy pillows! =) Charmin is a treat when you're making 20 runs to the choo in a day.

  9. Amy Medina

    ha ha, thanks Robin! I did buy some scarves.


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