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These Four

We live in a city of five million people, but it’s amazing how often we run into our former students from Haven of Peace Academy. I’ll be looking for a new showerhead, and she’s the owner of the hardware store. We’ll be eating dinner at a nice restaurant, and discover he’s the owner (Yes! Dessert on the house!). I’ll run into her in a meeting–the lawyer in the professional suit. Often we don’t recognize them–they’ve grown beards or are holding children–but when I hear “Mrs. Medina!” I know it’s one of them.

The first graduating class was in 2008, so there have been many since then who have gone away to college and finished college and have come back to Tanzania to make their world a better place. And it is such a joy–always, always, such a joy, to see them again.

A few weeks ago, though, we had a particularly extraordinary joy because we just happened to discover that these four girls were all in the country at the same time–which is a thrill that hasn’t happened in….maybe 10 years?

These four have always been exceptionally important–they were my students in fifth grade, then sixth grade, then they were Gil’s students all through high school. They were a part of every youth group and youth camp and Gil coached them football for four years. They babysat our kids and came to Grace’s and then Josiah’s first birthday parties. We visited them when they were in college in Minnesota. Over the years, we’ve seen one or two of them here or there, even had them visit us every now in then, but to have them all together again for an evening….that was a beautiful gift indeed.

They are all grown up now and very smart and very educated and they’ve had so many life experiences that make them absolutely fascinating to talk to. And when you consider that Gil and I had the privilege of being a part of their growing-up years, which makes our conversations with them filled with memory and laughter, well….it was a very special night. Especially considering our time in Tanzania is coming to a close.

So here are “my girls,” and if you go back in the archives of this blog, you’ll find some of their history there. (Though they might prefer you don’t do that, actually!) But they gave me permission to share a few pictures of our memories, so rejoice with me in the fun and blessing of students who have become friends.




Camp 2012

I was dreading camp this year. 

I was tired.  Exhausted, really, from a totally crazy June.  We had the smallest group of kids sign up in the seven years we’ve been doing this camp, and I was discouraged and frustrated.  Plus, this year I would have three children to keep track of instead of two, and I wondered if it was even worth it for me to go. 

But it was.  Oh, how it was worth it. 

Over the course of the week, it became so clear why each of those students was hand-picked by God to be there.  They each needed it, each for different reasons.  And because the group was smaller, those kids got a lot more attention than they normally would have.

The team of leaders sent out by Hillside Church did a fantastic job.  Everything went smoothly and was stress-free (which has never really happened before!)  I enjoyed myself immensely. 

And why did I worry about having three kids there?  They had 40 laps to sit on and 80 hands to hold. 

The Annual Talent Show.  That’s all I have to say about that.   

Grace and Mommy ganged up on Daddy.  Sorry, Daddy! 

 And this is what they played on and under every day.  Who wouldn’t be inspired?

 Gil’s annual bonfire trick photography using glow sticks. 

They had the time of their lives. 

So did they. 

This was most likely our last-ever youth camp.  What a great way to go out. 

Bamba Camp Memories, 2011

6th Annual International Youth Camp, and our very first International Middle School Camp!

Thanks, Faith Community Church, for sending us such an amazing team to put on our camps!  We could not have done it without them. 

International Youth Camp 2010

I’m going to post here what I sent out to our Prayer Team:

It was the camp we weren’t sure would even happen.

Our BIG problems:

First, there was the problem of a team. We need at least 10 adults to run this camp. Three churches who wanted to send teams were forced to cancel. By April, we were left with no one except for us, our friend and co-worker Kathy who co-leads this camp with us, and 2 other young women. Wasn’t going to work.

Next, there was the problem of students. No one was signing up. Our Youth Camp is really popular—this was our fifth year. But every time we talked to students about this summer, we always heard, “I’ll be out of the country.” Over and over again.

Then, as you know, Gil came down with malaria the night before camp started. What in the world did God want to do?

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. (Is. 55:8)

God’s Solutions:

The First Problem: About 8 weeks before camp, we got an email from a Danish missionary HOPAC family. “We have a team of 6 Bible college students coming this summer for 7 weeks. One of their ministry weeks got cancelled. Do you have anything they could do?”

They were available the week we needed. Four guys, two girls: exactly as we needed. We were still a little nervous; we had never met these young people and weren’t even sure if they were fluent in English! But oh, how they far exceeded our expectations! They were enthusiastic, energetic, hard-working and willing to do whatever we needed! Though most had never before been in an English environment, all could freely converse in English (ah, the difference between European and American schools!). They threw themselves into the camp and totally loved our students.

The Second Problem: It was indeed our smallest camp yet. We only had 25 students, 15 of them being from HOPAC. And though we would have loved for there to be more, this camp had a much more “family” feel to it—students were far less into their cliques (as teenagers often are), and more willing to reach out and get to know new friends. Everyone had a great time and no one seemed to notice that there were less people (except that it meant less waiting in the dinner line!).

The Third Problem: Despite so many of your prayers, God had something else in mind, and we didn’t make it there on Sunday. On Monday, it became apparent that his recovery had not happened yet. (Malaria often goes in cycles; you can feel pretty good one day and horrible the next). So, on Monday afternoon, I headed off to camp with the kids but without Gil. Once he was discharged from the clinic, he was picked up by some very gracious and hospitable friends/co-workers who took him to their home for the next couple of days. Gil was finally able to join us out at camp on Wednesday, in time to create the annual slide show and spend some good time with students.

Of course, Gil missing half of camp wasn’t really how we wanted things to turn out. But we praise God that everything went smoothly anyway, that it was a wonderful, memorable week, the students heard great teaching, and many excellent discussions and conversations took place. We absolutely could see God’s hand on it the whole time, and it was evident that He was in charge and would do as He pleased!

My cooking class

Fourth Annual International Youth Camp

June 28-July 3

We love camp! Every year we join up with our good friend and co-worker, Kathy, to put on a Youth Camp. Half of the kids come from HOPAC and the other half come from the local schools where she works. We always bring in teams to help; this year we had 5 from Hillside Church in San Jose and 9 from The Master’s College. It’s fabulously fun, of course, but even better are the great times of conversations and discipleship. These pictures pretty much say it all!

Ian from Hillside and Josh from TMC: Don’t ask.

Our team won! Wearing the coveted “Champions” shirts.

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