Tag: Vacationing Page 4 of 6

All I Want for Christmas is Cold

There have been many times in Dar es Salaam when I have felt something crawling on my stomach.  In alarm, I yank up my shirt, only to find the culprit was a large stream of sweat. 

On December 26th, I packed for our annual week up in the mountains.  I sat in the kids’ room on the floor, surrounded by stacks of clothes.  I was not running a marathon; I was not sitting on a sunny beach; I was not working out in a gym.  I was simply sitting on the floor, moving clothes around, under a ceiling fan.  And I was covered in sweat. 

So you can see why this annual trip is so important to us.  We drive 7 hours, up into the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania.  There’s no historic buildings to see; there’s no family-friendly restaurants with playgrounds to visit; there’s not even any big safari animals or ocean reefs to snorkel on.

There’s just cold.  And really, that’s all we want.  We go with friends, we enjoy the mountain flowers and trees, we play lots of games and have lots of really great conversations.  But mostly, we put on our hoodies and our socks and we sit around in the 60 degree weather and talk about how cold we are.  It’s delicious. 

I think the highlight of the week for the kids was that I actually allowed them to wear pajamas to bed. 


This is what the girls did:  Sit around for hours after breakfast, talking.




This is what the boys did:  Play games all day, every day.




Our mission prayer group/Bible study group…..and really, our family away from home.  So, so thankful for these guys.






















The Trip in Pictures

Learning to fish with Aunt Tabby


Riding horses while camping with the Medina family

Grandma and Grandpa Medina

Visiting Maggie at Stanford

At Great America with Bibi and Babu (my parents)

Trampolining with Uncle Paul



Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus!

Would my Dad have bought me this hat when I was a kid?  I don’t think so. 

What is with grandparents? 

On Flying Internationally

When I was a little girl flying to Africa, times were different. 

There would be one big screen in the front of the cabin, on which one movie was shown that everyone had to watch.  At least, everyone who was big enough to see over the seats.  And if their Mom let them watch that particular movie.

I also remember that those were the days of smoking sections.  Once we were accidentally seated in the smoking section.  Another time, we were in the row directly behind the smoking section.  The guy in front of us smoked cigars the entire 10 hours.  I visited the bathroom about 3 times an hour, just to get away from the smoke.

But the times have changed, and not just because smoking is never allowed on any airplane anymore.  We still fly coach, but 20 hours on a plane isn’t nearly as bad as it used to be, especially for kids.

For the first time, we flew on Emirates Air.  They gave Grace a free blanket (to take home), a stuffed animal, and an insulated lunch box with snacks in it. 

We had a menu.  I had already pre-ordered kids’ meals for Grace, but I got to choose from these options for myself.  U.S. airlines may only give you peanuts, but international airlines just keep feeding you. 

The best part, however, are the personal touch screens on every seat.  Dozens of movies, TV shows, and even video games that you can play with the other passengers.  I watched almost the entire Seasons 1 & 2 of “Downton Abbey.”  I’ll work on the rest on the way home!

Grace was in heaven.  Free toys, blankets, snacks AND she gets to watch 5 movies in a row?  Doesn’t get much better than that for a kid. 


After our first 5 hour flight, Emirates even gave us a free hotel room (and meals) for our 8 hour layover in Dubai. 

I must admit, however, that even though I have been a missionary for most of my life, I had some pretty serious culture shock in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).  The Dar es Salaam airport, even though it’s an international airport for a city of 5 million people, has only six gates.  Six.  Yep, just six. 

The Dubai airport, in a city where opulence is King and probably even the cockroaches wear gold, has over 200 gates in just one of its terminals.  When we landed on the runway, a bus picked us up and we drove for 15 minutes just to get to the terminal

So yes, on arrival I felt nauseous and panicky and wanted to run right back into my nice safe Dar es Salaam with its six gates. 


After an 8 hour layover, we got back on the plane for a sixteen hour flight.  Yes, you read that right.  Sixteen hours from Dubai to Los Angeles.  That’s the longest I’ve ever been on a plane at once, but Downton Abbey made it pretty bearable.  And the best part was getting to see the North Pole from 30,000 feet up. 

Totally indescribable. 


And when we got off the plane, Love was on the other end waiting for us.  

Just the Girls

It’s sure quiet around here.

Gil and Josiah have been in the States these last two weeks.  (As I wrote here, we didn’t get Lily’s passport in time to go together as a family.)  They get back Thursday. 

We are counting the days until Thursday.  We miss our boys!

Gil has been posting pictures, and it is bittersweet to see them.  So, so happy for Josiah to get to know his cousins (he was only two when we were with them the last time), get spoiled rotten, and have such a special time with his Daddy.  But so sad that we couldn’t be there with them. 

But you know what?  It’s been really nice around here too.  I really miss my boys, but I am thankful for how God has blessed these two weeks despite my disappointment in not being with them.  It’s probably been the most stress-free time I’ve had all year.  I cook a meal, and it lasts three days.  We do laundry only once a week.  The girls wake up and read and play quietly….I’ve been sleeping until 8 every morning…amazing!   I’ve gotten all kinds of things checked off my list.  We’ve gone shopping, spent time with students, cleaned out Gil’s classroom (with students), hung out with alumni, had relaxed dinners with friends.  The girls and I have been coloring, beading, painting, reading, and dancing in the kitchen with TobyMac.

And a week from today, Grace and I will be on our own plane to America for two weeks.  Butterflies of excitement! 

Easter Break

A visit from best friends–Caleb and Imani, swimming at the pool, staying at our favorite beach house, enjoying the zoo, spending time with Bibi and Babu, Easter Sunday. 

School starts tomorrow….but what a week!

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