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Please Get Me Out of This Tropical Paradise

This is what it looks like about two miles from my house.  I know, I know.  There are many people who are freezing their noses off and would give anything to be in a place like this right now.

I guess the grass is always greener, eh?  

Instead, we dream about places like this:

Mountains, fog, cool air, fire places, and no sweating!

Once a year, the week after Christmas, that’s where we go.  It’s our Christmas present to ourselves, since there’s nothing we want to buy anyway.  

It’s a seven hour drive into the mountains.  A thrill goes through us as we start climbing elevation and we roll down the windows and breathe that non-humid air.  We bust out our jeans and hoodies (for the only time all year).  We drink hot chocolate.  We revel in the joy of wearing socks.

The guys (and sometimes the rest of us) spend hours in board game marathons.  The kids spend hours playing outside on the boulders.  I glue my Kindle to myself.  There’s long deep conversations with friends.  It’s bliss.  

(Between these three guys, they brought 75 games with them.  Not kidding.)

On market day, Mark and Alyssa started an annual tradition with the kids.  Each kid gets 1000 shillings (about 75 cents) and is given the task of finding the most random item at the market.  Since the market is full of cast offs from U.S. thrift stores, it’s always an adventure.

The winner was this baby shirt.  If you want to take the time to read it, you’ll understand why it won.  Seriously?  Who puts “chew the fat” and “forest bath” on a baby shirt?

Lily came home with this particular item.  Why exactly it has so many holes is beyond us.  So we decided to stick two children in it.  

And we danced in the new year.

At midnight, we wished a happy birthday to this new nine-year-old.  

Per tradition, Daddy made Grace a treasure hunt for her birthday.

Just In Case You Feel Sorry For Me

Don’t.  Feel sorry for me, that is.

Last week was our kids’ mid-term break, so we headed off to the beach for three days–at a house on our favorite beach, for less than the cost of what we would pay for dinner and a movie in the States.

Yeah.  There are perks to this life.

We brought our new friends along–Marc and Gretchen–who not only took over the Bible teacher position at HOPAC, but they also lived in our house last year.  Pretty cool that they are also now our friends and we like them a whole lot.  

Snorkeling with Daddy

And….just in case these pictures look a little too idyllic, you also should know that over the course of the three days, three out of the six children were throwing up.  We offered $5 to whoever actually made it into the bucket.

That’s how we roll.  Just keepin’ it real.

A Whole Lot of Wonderful

It’s been four years since I’ve been home for Christmas, and before that it was another four years.

We drove up to spend last week with my family.  It was perfect.

My parents have lived in the same house since I was two, the house where I spent so many Christmases and now get to share with my kids.  

We went ice skating; we went to Christmas in the Park; we went Christmas shopping.  I got to spend time with old friends from high school/college, and even older friends that were my neighbors growing up.  

My only brother became a Daddy for the first time, just a few weeks ago, so I got to meet Emma.  She is perfect and the cutest niece in the world and she joined our family through adoption, so I’m going to make you look at her pictures even if you don’t know my brother.  

We celebrated Christmas with my family yesterday–Christmas Eve, and right now we are in the car, headed back down south for Christmas, Take Two, with Gil’s family.  

It was a happy, happy week.  

Yes, she really is that cute.  And Gil took that picture.  

So it was really only about 50 degrees….even though they are dressed like Eskimos.  

Our biggest task this week was to make a gingerbread house for the family competition.  First time my family did this, and it will not be an annual event, due to the fact that it put the majority of the contestants in a bad mood.  It’s harder than you think, this gingerbread making stuff.

Gil and I, however, mostly had a great time working on ours.  Except for the actual construction of the house, when there was a lot of screaming and yelling and panicking until the thing was up and standing.  After that, it was fun.  

And of course, we made Narnia.  Oh yes we did.

Their Mom and their Dad played with my brother and me when we were their age.


Okay, so, I hate camping.

It’s kind of funny though; when I told people that we would be camping, a few of them responded with Oh, but well, you are used to that.  

Oh my goodness.

I seriously wonder sometimes if people imagine me hunting my own antelope with a bow and arrow, putting the meat into a pot over an open fire, turning the skin into clothes and then wearing them as I stir my antelope stew….

So let’s just get one thing clear:  My life in Tanzania is not like camping.

In Tanzania, I have a kitchen, walls and a floor, and most importantly, an indoor bathroom.  Sure, there are many people in Africa who would consider the American camping experience to be downright luxurious, with the little gas stoves and water sources just a few feet away, but rest assured, that’s not how everyone lives there–myself included.

Ahem.  Anyway.  Back to the hating camping part.

The church where I grew up has a Family Camp at Lake Tahoe every year.  I went many times as a kid and loved it.  But now, eh, not so much.  Something to do with the dirt and cold and lack of showers and permeating smell of smoke.  And did I mention dirt?  Dirt.

But Gil kept saying, We should go, Amy.  Sigh…yeah, I knew he was right.  After all, the whole point of this Home Assignment is to reconnect with people, and what better way to reconnect than with lots and lots of dirt?  Plus, I read somewhere that the closest families are those that camp together.  Oh, the guilt of parenting!  So we went.

On the first day, the elevation caused the mustard to explode all over Grace.  Seriously, all over.  I was freezing at night and curled up like a pill bug in my sleeping bag on the mattress which kept losing air, willing my body to please, please, stop producing urine.  And oh yes, there was dirt.  But don’t worry, the smoky smell covered up all the B.O.

But.  There was also the glorious open night sky and the perfectly crystal lake, the smell of the mountain trees which I had forgotten over so many years away and the joy of watching my kids ride bikes hour after hour–just as I did in the exact same place, so many years ago.

Most importantly, there were the great conversations with old friends, with so many who have loved us and supported us and looked after us year after year…..some who have known me since I too was a child at Family Camp.

The hugs and the laughter and the new memories….

….and I was so, so glad that we went.

Look, Mom, No training wheels!

Josiah said, “Kiss on the lips and we’ll take your picture!”

And raucous laughter proceeded.  


I would definitely do it again. Next time I’ll just be much more careful with the mustard.

The Calm Before the Storm

We spent last weekend with good friends at one of our favorite places on earth, Chaza Mwamba (literally Barnacle Rock). 

It is probably the most beautiful, heavenly, peaceful place I ever visit.  The beach house is incredible, but the beach itself is….indescribable. 

When the tide is low, the beach creates a perfectly smooth, very deep, incredibly buoyant salt water pool.  And later on during the same day, when the tide is high, the beach becomes a boogie-boarder’s dream. 

And just in case you’re wondering, this beach is deserted.  No one there but us.  And yes, even missionaries can afford it.   Better than Malibu for non-Malibu prices.  HOPAC still needs teachers for next year….want to join in?

It was perfection.  And just what we needed in the midst of the craziness of our lives, and the coming bigger craziness.

Six weeks to go from today.  From here on out, it’s one big roller coaster.  All we can do now is hang on for dear life until we get on that plane.

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