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Medina Life, January through March, 2018

She turned 12 and got braces. My beautiful girl.
The Medina Four with the Quad Squad: Everyone’s favorite quadruplets.
In January, Gil was invited to be the speaker at a Young Life retreat for HOPAC students, and he rocked it. (Of course, God had a little something to do with that.)
Basketball season! Josiah played his heart out…..
But it was Grace’s team that took the championship! (Gil was their fantastic coach!)

Reach Tanzania Bible School 2018 cohort of students!
We hosted our church district fellowship group in March.
Book Week! Here we have Papa Bear…
And Ralph S. Mouse
Service Emphasis Week sent all our kids on service trips to other schools.
And this picture was taken for future bribery purposes: Josiah with his (very mini) man-bun and pink headband, which, apparently, is very cool in the soccer world. 

Medina Life, December 2017


So technically this was November and not December, and technically it wasn’t even Thanksgiving Day (which is not a holiday here), but the Sunday before.  But we had pumpkin pie and stuffing and mashed potatoes, and everyone played Wiffle Ball, and we even had a two-year-old who wouldn’t stand still for the group picture.  So it was Thanksgiving.

Then we descended into the Christmas season at HOPAC, which was pretty much just as crazy as the Christmas season in American schools…….

Primary School Christmas Party

And everyone dressed festively…..

And the classes had a “Decorate-Your-Teacher” competition, which was pretty awesome, though I’m not sure the teachers have totally forgiven me for it yet.  

Primary School Christmas Musical

Thanking our wonderful music and drama teachers who pulled all of this off.

Visiting my friend Lucy’s house…

Our annual trip to the water park with my worker’s kids….

St. Columba’s Mbezi District Christmas Party

We rented out HOPAC for this event, and Gil was asked to plan games for the kids.  So he did, but the adults got into them a lot more than the kids did!

We are so thankful for the fellowship this group gives us!

Picnic-Style Christmas Eve Carol Service 

….the way we do Christmas on the equator.

Christmas Day!

We hung out with good friends on Christmas Day.  After years of making gingerbread houses from scratch, I decided this working mom couldn’t hack that this year.  So we used crackers instead.  Oh my goodness–so easy and just as much fun.  I’m never going back to homemade.  

And when you can’t throw Christmas snowballs, you make Christmas bubbles instead.

Tribute to a Good Dog

Minnie came home to us in September of 2005.  We had just returned to Tanzania, and we bought her from a friend was was breeding Jack Russells.  

Minnie was our first baby.  

I remember when we had had her for about a year, we thought she was going to die.  We had a team from the States visiting us, and one morning, one of the guys told us that he thought Minnie had eaten his malaria pills.  After unsuccessfully trying to get her to throw up, we called the vet.  He told us there was nothing we could do, that she would die and it would probably take a few days.  We were devastated, but we didn’t want the team member to feel bad, so we didn’t tell the team.  For days, we waited with dread for her to die.  

A week later, the guy casually told us that he had found the pills the next day, that Minnie hadn’t eaten them after all.  Having no idea of our inner turmoil, he hadn’t bothered to tell us!

Since Minnie was our first baby, that’s probably why, once we brought home a real baby, she went through a bit of a shock.  For a couple months, she walked around like she was in constant pain, trembling and with an arched back.  Again, we thought she would die, and I took her to the vet three times.  Each time the vet found nothing wrong with her.  In the end, she recovered, and we attributed it to sibling rivalry.  And once Minnie discovered that this new baby provided a constant source of snacks, all was well.

Minnie was Grace’s first playmate.

And when Grace was in first grade and dressed up like the Grinch, Minnie got to be Max.  Daddy decided that Max needed to be brown, not white, so he dyed Minnie with henna.  Except…she didn’t turn brown, she turned orange.  And she stayed orange for months.

Minnie gave us two litters of puppies.  

Four in the first set.

And three in the second.

I gotta say, not much is cuter than Jack Russell puppies.  They all went to friends and we still see many of them regularly.

A few years ago, Minnie broke her leg.  (Well, her leg was actually run over, but that’s another story.)  The vet made a house call and sedated Minnie on our coffee table while he set her leg.  Grace got to assist.  Since then, she never liked using her back leg.

Minnie killed lots of critters, like any good Jack Russell.  She was loyal and faithful and she loved us, even after we would leave for the States for months or even a year.

Last Saturday night, I could tell that Minnie wasn’t feeling well.  We worried about her all day Sunday, and on Monday I took her to the vet.  He couldn’t tell what was wrong with her, but gave her antibiotics and was optimistic.  

Tuesday morning, I could tell that she had deteriorated.  As soon as we got home from school, Lily and I jumped in the car and rushed to the vet.  She died in Lily’s arms minutes before we arrived.  Ironically, she died on the same day that her second litter was born, six years ago.

Minnie used to sleep in the kids’ room.  But in the last several years, we had such a battle with ticks that Minnie spent most of her time outside.  She and I had a nightly ritual when I would pull off about 25 ticks from her small body…every day.  Thankfully, this last year she was finally tick-free. 

I’m not really a dog person.  We’ve always had dogs because they are important for security in Tanzania.  We’ve had four other dogs die in the last few years, most of whom came to us when they were much older–and I really wasn’t terribly traumatized.  But Minnie is the only one we’ve had since she was a puppy.  She was with us twelve years.  She’s shared our family history since before we even had children.

Losing Minnie makes me feel very old.  Like I suddenly have an awareness of how much time has passed.  It’s so strange not having her around.

So I miss her.  She was a good dog.

Medina Life, August through November

Grace got to play on a Jr. NBA basketball team.  
My girl sets a mean pick.  She may be sweet and friendly in real life, but her basketball nickname was “Mini Beast.”
Life at Reach Tanzania Bible School.
Some of our favorite students with our favorite partners.  
During the October school break, we went away with a bunch of friends for a few days to a conference center at the base of the Morogoro Mountains.  The kids enjoyed the wide open spaces that we don’t see in the city.

But the best part about that vacation?  The one-year-old quadruplets.  Their mom has been my friend for 12 years now, and she’s in the office next to mine at HOPAC.  Her quads pretty much steal the show wherever they go.
Enough babies to go around for everyone!
Lily dancing at her third grade assembly.
My football-obsessed boy.  He FINALLY is old enough to play on a real HOPAC team–a dream come true for him.

Pamoja Week at HOPAC (like Spirit Week).  FIVE people in our house needed costumes this year!  Thankfully I’m married to a very creative man who is not intimidated by this challenge. 
This was Career Day.
Sports Day.  The only time in my life I’ve worn shin guards.
Ancient Day.  Yes, I am Moses.
A different kind of dressing up:  Daddy was putting on a tie for preaching, and Johnny wanted one too.
And when he’s not creating costumes or preaching, he was coaching Grace’s soccer team.  Which came out in first place for their season!
Greek Day in Josiah’s fourth grade class:  Acting in their tragedy play.

Medina Life, July 2017

We are all back in Tanzania and new things are happening (more about that later), but first I need to get caught up on July’s pictures.  

Appropriately for America, Wiffle ball replaced soccer as my boys’ game of choice.  They played almost every single day.
Dodger fever, with their cousin
Celebrating the Fourth with family
My littlest boy’s first time watching fireworks
On vacation in San Diego with Gil’s family, playing Wiffle ball (of course)
and there’s the whole Medina gang
still on vacation
keepin’ it real….my kids are modern American kids too
Enjoying friends at Faith Community Church
So the soccer love still came out when Dad and Josiah had a dream fulfilled….watching Manchester United and Real Madrid play live in Santa Clara
San Jose’s classic:  Happy Hollow

cousins and Babu (grandpa)
Me and my bro
cousins again
This time at a San Jose Giants game (Triple A), and Grace got to be a junior commentator. My little ham rocked it.

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