Tag: Grace Page 7 of 19

HOPAC Book Week

I need to give credit where credit is due….I helped come up with Angelina idea, but the costume was all about Gil.  I tend to be a bit paralyzed in these situations without a Michael’s or JoAnn’s or at least a Walmart.  But Daddy….Daddy can take a toothpick or an old toothbrush and make a costume.  Or a bomb.  Either one.  He’s the creative one in the family.

Summer Time Slipping and Sliding

Sweet Six

She had a very good Five. Did all the things Fives are supposed to do: Two teeth came out, the training wheels came off, to kindergarten she went. So Six was celebrated with her new kindergarten friends, princess dresses, and lots and lots of pink. It was a good day!

Lessons learned about Six-Year-Old birthday parties:

1.  Make the party as girly as physically possible.  This allows you to only invite the girls without hurting the feelings of the boys.  (I have my limitations as to how many hyper children I can have in my house at one time.)

2.  Don’t waste hours of your time laboriously cutting the sandwiches into cute little shapes.  All they are interested in is the cheese balls. 

3.  Don’t waste hours of your time coming up with games.  Because all they want to do is play outside with the puppies. 

4.  Make twice as much frosting as you think you will need.  And then make more.  Especially when your oven isn’t level, resulting in layer cakes that are slanted.  (Extreme amounts of frosting also make up for lack of cake decorating ability).

Rockin’ out in the ballroom. 

Anja and Sam, our decorators extraordinaire.  (Along with Daddy, of course)

With the token pirate. 

Can I tell you how much I love this girl?  She is a total extrovert; friends with everyone and enthusiastic about everything.  Flexible, adaptable, cooperative, and always happy to be helpful.  An amazingly kind and patient big sister.  Kindergarten has only brought out more maturity and responsibility in her.  Since my other two are…er…not quite so easy, I am extremely thankful for my big girl.  Of course, she has her moments, but most of the time she is completely delightful.  A very Happy Birthday to my Sweetie!

Christmas Morning

We got Lily a tricycle, since she loves to sit on Grace and Josiah’s bikes. 

But the gift that she really, really, really loved?  The beeping play phone that her sister got her.  Worth about 50 cents.

Yep.  Isn’t that always how it goes? 

The Big Sister

She told her teacher yesterday, “I knew kindergarten would be fun, but I didn’t know it would be this fun.”  And then gave a little leap of joy.

That’s my girl!

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