Tag: Grace Page 18 of 19

Scary Santa

Our grocery store displays a 5 foot tall, mechanical singing and moving Santa. (The meager Christmas decorations that are seen here do not exactly fall into the “classy” category).

A couple of weeks ago, Grace saw it for the first time and started screaming in absolute terror. Thankfully, we were leaving the store when she saw it and we got her out of there quick!

Earlier this week, Grace and I went shopping again. We walked in the store, she saw the Santa about 30 feet away, and she screamed and started running out of the store. So I picked her up and kept assuring her, “We’ll stay away from the Santa. But the Santa’s not scary.”

As we walked through the store, she kept looking over her shoulder for the Santa, and kept assuring herself, “Santa not scary….Santa not scary.” We passed by it quickly as we left and I told her that we were going “bye bye” from the Santa and that everything was okay now.

I still think the whole experience was fairly traumatic for her because for the past two days, she has been telling me out of the blue, “Santa not scary….bye bye Santa.”

Not sure how she’ll react when she sees Santas everywhere in the States! Hopefully they at least won’t be mechanical.

Daddy’s On Vacation….

…and that means a new photo shoot for Grace! Who needs Sears when you have Gil Medina?

It was very hard to pick my favorites…but here they are:

Grace Christa Medina, age 22 months

Amazing Grace

Through a wonderful act of Providence, we are now in communication with a Dutch couple who was at Light in Africa orphanage on the very day Grace was brought in. For the first time, we have newborn pictures of our precious little girl! I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to get these pictures…the earliest pictures we had were of Grace at 5 months old. I love these pictures, but I know that they will mean even more to Grace when she is older.

January 17, 2006

…and almost two years later!

Oh Happy Day!

September 12, 2007…the day the judge formally announced that he was issuing Grace’s adoption order! It’s been 10 months since Grace joined our family, and though I was never too worried that something would go wrong, it is such a relief to know that now everything is legal! (Though she still won’t be an American citizen for another year.)

Everything on Wednesday went so well. This was our third court hearing–at the first two, at least one of the essential people did not show up. We didn’t have high expectations for this hearing either, because of social worker problems. But everyone showed up on time (lawyers, social worker), and we only had to wait 45 minutes to see the judge. (Everyone shows up at 9, and you never know when your case will be called. With a toddler, this gets interesting! The hallway where we waited is full of lawyers and criminals in chains!)

Below are pictures from the exciting day. They are not very clear–since we didn’t expect much too happen that day, we hadn’t brought our camera–so these are from Gil’s cell phone!

Our social worker Harriet, and our two lawyers

In front of the court house–now officially a Medina!

My Newest Trick

Winking on command!

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