Tag: From Sea to Shining Sea: The Great Road Trip of 2013 Page 1 of 4

P.S. Oregon and Washington

Remember that cross-country trip we did in the fall?  Well, there were a few states we missed out on.

So for the last two weeks, we traveled in our Odyssey again, and this time we went north.  So you could call this the “post script” to our epic cross-country trip.  

We got to see all these wonderful friends:

Redding, CA:  Ron and Carolyn, the first director of HOPAC 

Quincy, CA:  Jay and Diane

Oregon:  Our nephew, Alex

Also Oregon:  Debbie, my wonderful friend from college

Washington:  Eric and Holly, co-workers and friends from Tanzania

Pat and Carol, long-time family friends

Janelle, and her brand new baby boy Samuel–only five days old!

Mark and Jan–friends from Tanzania

Jim and Lisa–more friends from Tanzania (principal at HOPAC)

Sean and Becky–my college roommate!

And we got to do all these wonderful things!

visiting Shasta Dam

at Jay and Diane’s house….with their zip line and ultimate game room…they have the best house ever!

Debbie got us a sweet hotel room right on the Oregon coast

at Pike’s Market in Seattle

Seattle Space Needle

Jim and Lisa took us to an amazing dinner at the top!

Four very good friends back together again

No one would really believe they are only six months apart….but they are sure buddies!

It was warm and sunny while we were in Seattle.  We were assured by everyone that we must have brought Southern California weather with us, which we were happy to do, of course!

Pretty special when children of friends become friends themselves.

Once again, we were blown away by the kindness and incredible hospitality of our friends.  How blessed we are!  

Adventures in [our] Odyssey

We rolled into southern California yesterday at noon.

During these last six weeks, there were many times I would wake up in the morning and have to remind myself what state we were in and whose house we were at.  Or, I would leave the bathroom and need to remind myself who I had just been talking to.

This is why:

47 days

27 states driven through

30 families/singles visited

21 homes slept in

6 hotel rooms

9,240 miles

About those 9,240 miles

We had no flat tires.  We had no breakdowns.  Three cheers for our Honda Odyssey!  Gil said, “Can you imagine driving this far in Tanzania with no flat tires?”  Impossible.

We never got lost.  We almost always arrived on time, except when we forgot about time zones.  We used a combination of Google Maps and a GPS, and all was well.  We named the voice “Betsy.”  Betsy never let us down.  In fact, even though I was a little jealous of Betsy’s ability to give directions to my husband in a calm, clear, and concise manner, she is probably the reason that Gil and I are still friends after 9,240 miles.

We listened to books on tape.  We sang at the top of our lungs.  We gave stickers out to anyone who didn’t have to stop to pee. (Is that even legal?  Oops.  But nobody got dehydrated….except me, who got altitude sickness in Colorado.)

About those three kids

Our kids were amazing.  They got into the car when we told them to and got out when we told them to without questioning.  They hugged when we told them to hug.  They never asked “Are we there yet?”  Because they figured out pretty quick that we were never “there.”  They played with new children and new toys and slept on a new floor almost every single day.  They had no schedule, no routine, no consistent bedtime.  Yet they kept smiling and playing and Josiah put the seat up in the bathroom almost every time.

It helped that they could not touch each other in the car.  It helped that they each had their own Kindle Fire.  It helped that we had sticker charts and a prize box.

We had a great time as a family.  As every good TCK knows, home is where your family is.  Period.

About hospitality

They always smiled; they always hugged us, even if we arrived after midnight, even if they had just moved into their house the day before.

We slept in beautifully decorated guestrooms.  We slept on air mattresses.  We slept on couch beds in the living room.  We slept on futons.  A couple times people even gave us their own beds, which is a humbling experience.  People always said, Help yourself to anything in the kitchen.  We were made special desserts.  We were taken out for ice cream.  We ate grilled chicken and corn on the cob more times than we could count, which was great because we love grilled chicken and corn on the cob, but it did become a kind of standing family joke because we had it so many times.  At least 4 families were into whole foods and gave us raw milk and organic apples.  Other families brought southern-style BBQ take-out or microwaveable meals.

All of it, every bit, was amazing.  I loved witnessing different family cultures–on raising kids, on cooking food, on house decoration and cleanliness, on bedtimes and routines and different kinds of fun.  There were big houses and small houses, rented houses and owned houses, brick houses and wood houses, city houses and rural houses.  I have never experienced so many different types of homes and families and types of family culture in such a short amount of time.

Hospitality is not dead in America.  Every home was welcoming and warm–every one.  It didn’t matter whether they had a beautiful guest room or just an air mattress.  It didn’t matter if they were great cooks or just reheated something.  They all were generous; they all gave us their time, their energy, their love…..and it all was wonderful.

For most of my adult life, I have been the host.  I love being the host.  I had a harder time being the guest–the receiver.  To be the recipient of so much generosity and grace was very humbling.

About the people

Our friends.

Our friends.

Do you realize how astounding it is to realize that you have friends all over America?

We have said good-bye in our lives more than I care to remember.

Between being a missionary kid and an adult missionary, my friendships have been transient.  I seem to lose them and get new ones every couple of years, and that has often been really, really hard.

But the benefit?

Now I have friends all over the United States.

During these last six weeks, Gil and I often said that we felt like we were debriefing from….our entire lives.   We visited friends from pretty much every major season of our lives.  We got to reconnect with people and re-live memories that spanned from my childhood onward.  It was incredible.  Over dinner, around a backyard campfire, in a hot tub under the stars, many times over the din of children jumping, children laughing, we talked.  The long, deep, soul-nurturing conversations with history-friends were definitely the highlight of this trip.  

Thank you, Friends.  We are so blessed by you.



The Petrified Forest is a forest in a desert….the remains of ancient trees which have now turned to stone. 

Gil told the kids, The White Witch was here.

Very scientific, of course.  

We visited Laura, Andy, and Aimee (and their families) in Arizona–three siblings from our college days, who also grew up as MK’s in a neighboring country to Liberia–so we have lots of mutual friends.  

 and of course….what would be a trip to Arizona without a visit to the Grand Canyon?  

California, here we come!

New Mexico

When I was in sixth grade, I wrote a short story that took place in the Carlsbad Caverns.  My mom had told me about them, and I was fascinated.  I have wanted to visit them for practically my entire life.  

Today was the day.

How can I possibly describe this place?


Like something out of a fantasy novel.

Unlike anything I have ever seen.

Gil is a great photographer, but these pictures do not do justice to this experience.  These caverns are 750 feet below the ground.  The magnitude of the rooms under the earth was completely mind-blowing.  

Once in a lifetime.  

Such a creative, magnificent God we serve.

The formation behind us is called Rock of Ages.  We learned that many years ago, when guides got to this place, they would shut off all the lights except the one on this stone.  Then everyone would sing “Rock of Ages.”

Can you imagine?  

In a cavern of that size, what that would sound like?  Look like?

Someday, on That Day, maybe we’ll get the chance.  

So much scope for the imagination.  It gets into your bones and makes you a different person.


Oh, the great state of Texas.  I find it interesting that out of the six families we visited in Texas, 5 of them formerly lived in California.  Hmmmm….

Phil and Megan were part of the college group we led 10 years ago.  

Tommy was part of it too.  It’s been pretty neat to see the fruit of that ministry.

Mike and Laura were friends from our church in California.

Nathaniel and Wendy were friends from college.  

Christine and I were also friends from college.



We haven’t aged a bit, haven’t we?  

Don’t answer that.

We also visited the Cox family in Texas….the one family so far that we forgot to get a picture of.  Argh.

Two more states to go….we are almost there!  Moving into our apartment on Saturday!

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