I started this blog in January of 2007….eight and a half years ago.  Grace had only been home for two months, and my first post was about how my name in Tanzania had changed to “Mama Grace” once I became a Mom.  It’s still a name I relish.

This blog was named after her, back when Grace was actually little.  But also because Grace is my favorite word in the English language, and everyone really does need a little grace in their lives.  Or a lot, actually.

For a number of years, I mostly chronicled our lives in this space.  Over time, I got more reflective.  I have always loved writing, as demonstrated by the dozens of journals I kept through my childhood.  My favorite class in college was Advanced Composition.  But still, my readers were primarily family and friends who knew me.  

Then, two and a half years ago, one of my former education professors from The Master’s College, Dr. Adams, submitted this post to Tim Challies, a popular Christian blogger.  He linked to it, and for the first time, I was getting thousands of hits instead of dozens.  Since then, he’s linked to my posts lots of times, bringing me many more regular readers.  

It’s been intimidating to realize that there’s people out there who don’t know me, but want to read what I write.  Writing publicly like this feels a little like those dreams where you look down and realize you are naked.  And I often post with fear and trembling, knowing that the internet is not always very friendly to its writers.   

I realize my blog is still a very tiny fish in a gigantic sea, and I am content with that.  But I just want to thank you today, for reading and commenting and sharing what I write.  I am truly honored and humbled.  Your encouragement has spurred me on think more deeply and write more carefully.  I am so thankful for you!

I love writing, but I hate technology.  I don’t get web design at all.  A couple months ago, it took me about three hours to get the Facebook box linked to my blog.  When I finally figured it out, I realized it should have taken me five minutes.  Yep.  Dumb.  So I was extremely grateful when the talented Suzanne Hodson of Olive Branch Studios in San Jose agreed to design a header for me.  It looks fantastic, and I feel so professional now!  

So, in honor of my brand spankin’ new header, and to thank all of my faithful readers, we’re going to have another drawing!  

I sent three pairs of Tanzanian salad tongs back with my Mom, and she is ready to send them off to my winners!  

So….if you read this blog regularly, please comment either here or on my Facebook fan page.  (When I recently linked to Google Plus, I realized that now only people with Google accounts can comment on my posts.  No idea how to fix that.  Like I said…Technology Dumb.  But anyone should be able to comment on the fan page.)  

Anyway, leave a comment that gives me an idea for a future post, or tell me how you found me, or just say, “I’m in!”  My three kids will draw three names, the old fashioned, non-technological way….from a hat.  The deadline is Friday, June 19th. (I will wait until all time zones have passed.)

Bloggers love knowing who their readers are, so I’ve got to do something to coax out those lurkers.  But even if you don’t come out of hiding, thank you so much, to all of you!