The Sublime and the Ridiculous

When walking to the tailor:

Grace:  Mommy, why are all the kids saying ‘mzungu?’ Is that another way of saying Hi?

Mommy:  No, it means ‘white person.’  They are saying that because I am white.

Grace:  Oh.  We don’t mind that you are white, Mommy.


Grace:  When my baby sister grows up, I hope she doesn’t speak Italian.  Because then we wouldn’t be able to understand her.


Mommy:  What was that thumping I heard in your room a little while ago?

Grace:  (with great emotion)  Just the beating of my heart.  Because I hurt my chin this morning. 


Josiah to Grace:  You are spitting at me! 

Grace:  No, I am laughing.

Josiah:  But you are spitting!

Grace:  (indignantly)  Laughing makes the spitting come out! 


Mommy to Maggie about college life:  You might want to request a women’s only floor.  Would you really want to live with guys?

Grace:  Yeah, that would be stinky.


Grace was doing a princess puzzle.

Josiah:  I like Belle.

Grace:  But she doesn’t have any superpowers.

Josiah:  I know; I like her face. 

Mommy:  Why do you like her face?

Josiah:  Because she is awesome.


One of My Very Favorite Things


One Girl

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    hahahaha your kids are so cute!


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