Strange Things that Don’t Seem Strange Anymore

1. Finding geckos in my kitchen cupboards
2. Finding the little golden tree frog that lives somewhere in my bathtub drain
3. Garden snails the size of the palm of my hand
4. Buying shelf milk in a box, unrefrigerated
5. Brown eggs only
6. Driving on the left side of the road
7. Paying for absolutely everything in cash, including car insurance, electricity, and gasoline
8. Buying electricity at the store on a little card, which I then insert into a box inside my house which then recharges my house with electricity.
9. Electricity going out in restaurants, in grocery stores, at church….and no one even reacts. The waiters light candles, the clerks hand-write receipts, everyone keeps singing…. No big deal!
10. Full service gas stations only
11. Always removing my shoes when entering someone’s house
12. Warm rain
13. Gorgeous pineapples on every street corner for about $1 each
14. Waking to the sound of roosters and the Muslim call to prayer.


The Joy of Wearing Sweaters


Things That Mold in Dar es Salaam


  1. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    Thanks for sharing. Overseas life is such an experience. 🙂 I would love to see a picture of palm sized snails. Wow!

  2. jlelovesjesus

    wow coo picture of the gecko oh by the way the pics of grace are so cute! im sad im gunna miss seeing you guys when you come back to the states to visit.

    okay im done really tired long day at work!

  3. Amy Medina

    It’s actually not a gecko, but a chameleon. We don’t have any pictures of geckos because they are just too ordinary! But chameleons are rare and pretty cool!

    We’re sad we won’t get to see you, too, Jenny! You’ll just have to come visit us in Tanzania. 🙂

  4. Anonymous

    My additions . . .
    – $8.00 salsa
    – Running out of water and bathing out of a bucket
    – Saying “what the hey” and just brushing your teeth out of the tap
    – Yelling “washa pump” out your window in the mornings so that you can have a bit of hot water
    – Getting into a fender bender, and getting out of it for 10,000 Tsh
    – Going to the US Embassy just for the airconditioning and clean bathroom

  5. Jayme Solomon

    Thanks for sharing. Since I’ve never lived anywhere but in the states it was really eye opening. We’re all doing well. Baby arrives in about 10 weeks. Yeah!


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