Some Things I Bet You Didn’t Know

Grace:  Mommy, when we see Bibi and Babu again, can they take us to South America?  But it’s far away.  We could go on a blimp.  But only if there are no dogs.  And catfish.

Grace:  Mommy, all of the princesses are vanilla.  Except for Jasmine and Tiana.  They are chocolate.

Mommy:  Josiah, don’t bite your fingernails.

Josiah:  But I am chocolate.

Grace:  When you die, you go to heaven.  Except if you want to go up to the sky, you can also use pixie dust.

Grace:  When Josiah turns three, he will be OUT of football and INto dolls.

Grace to Josiah:  Let’s pretend that I am your big sister and you are my little brother.

Grace to Mommy:  When we get a new little brother, let’s name him Spartacus.

Grace to Daddy after our beach trip:  When you get sunburned, you will look like us [Grace and Josiah]!

Josiah to our very pregnant friend:  Your tummy looks like mine!

Grace to Mommy:  Look!  Shirley Temple has tattoos just like Annie!!!  [that would be…tap shoes]

Mommy:  Josiah, why are you so cute?

Josiah:  Because I am a pokey thing.

Mommy:  What?  You are cute because you are a pokey thing?  What does that mean?

Grace:  I know!  It means he is a cactus.  Right, Josiah?

Josiah:  Yeah!


When the World’s All That It Should Be


He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.


  1. Unknown

    I love these! So precious.

  2. Anonymous

    Such originality! Such creativity! Such humor! So brilliant! And I am not biased at all…, Bibi


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