So I Guess This is Going to Be a Long Labor After All

With Grace, this “labor” stage (from approval to bringing her home) took 4 months. However, our lawyer has told us that we beat all the records…no one else ever had to wait that long.

Regardless, finding out that it may take longer than “a couple of weeks” to bring home Josiah isn’t all that surprising. I’ve found that with adoption, it’s best to keep your expectations really, really low. Then you can’t be disappointed.

One social worker has been transferred to a different city. Another one has been sick for a week. And today we found out that all the social workers are going to some 16-day conference beginning August 4th. Which means that if our baby’s paperwork isn’t completed by August 4th (which isn’t looking likely), then we wait until everybody gets back from the conference.

Such is life. For now, I will just enjoy the simplicity of having one child instead of two, and pray for God’s protection over my little boy’s heart and mind. In God’s sovereignty, when the time is right, Josiah will come home.


Week 2


Jesus and Presents


  1. Anonymous

    thanks for the update amy im sorry its gunna be a little while longer until you have your baby boy.

  2. Stefanie Hartung

    Amy, this gave me chills. I can’t believe how hard it must be to have to wait for your little boy-i’m terrible at waiting. We’re excited to see what God does!!!!
    Stefanie Hartung

  3. Leah

    Have faith Amy. Although “months” sounds like forever, it will be here before you know it. We seriously considered adopting from Haiti, and part of the reason we chose not to(at this point anyway) it that adoptions can take 2 to 3 years sometimes. We will be praying that your time waiting for Josiah will fly by.

    You have some great reads on your book list. I just read another by Edward Welch called When People Are Big and God Is Small. It was excellent, as is The Reason for God by Tim Keller, which I’m reading right now.

    All our love,
    Leah for the Ballocks

  4. da halls

    I will be praying for you during this labor. Our labors were different since we were fostering and already had the kids . . . but I do know what you mean by labor Sister!

    I am praying for patience. I am also praying that the Lord will move to quickly bring your little guy home. I know you trust in His perfect timing and for that I am glad. That definitely helps with the patience department. 80)

    Can’t wait to “meet” your newest addition (you are probably being more patient than I am!).



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