She’s Already Brainwashed

It’s her favorite outfit. Whenever she gets to choose what to wear, that’s what she chooses. And whenever she sees the logo on the back of a bus or on someone’s shirt, she starts chanting, “Manchester, Manchester!”

And who can blame her? Even my husband, who had arthoscopic knee surgery on Tuesday, managed to get himself over to the nearest hotel to watch the Final Champion’s League game. AND THEY WON.

All of you Americans probably haven’t a clue as to what I am talking about. Which only means you are…well, American…since the rest of world would never consider “football” to be played with a brown oblong ball.

Ah…the things I’ve learned since living in Africa.


A Happy Sight


Not Exactly a Chinese Church, But….


  1. Marisa

    So cute! Some of my friends are football (the real kind) fanatics, so I know about Manchester. 🙂 miss you.

  2. Anonymous

    Yeah ManU! That’s awesome that Grace is a BIG fan. May she continue to wear her jersey with pride! Jason’s been wearing his too 🙂
    -Steph Beals

  3. Anonymous

    aww too cute!

  4. Unknown

    Amy, I love your blog so much. It fills me with joy and laughter and points me to Christ. And your writing is SO GREAT! I thought I had put your blog in my Google Reader, but coming back to it today, I see I am several posts behind. I’m going to enjoy catching up!

    I loved what you said about Gil over at Something Good. Your admiration of your husband is beautiful indeed.

  5. Unknown

    Also, I am soaking up your perspective on various cultures. My life is pretty sheltered, and I am enjoying this bird’s eye view of other parts of the world. God’s really been opening my eyes lately to how surreal life in America is. Well, *my* life in America, anyway.

  6. Unknown

    Brent saw the picture and knew what the post was about, and he is American. Sometimes he surprises me. 🙂 Grace is adorable, and such a character. I enjoy seeing the pictures of her.

  7. Anonymous

    GOOOOOOL! or as Jesse says–Goooooalaso!!! Sorry that you guys are in love with Manchester United….we are a Barcelona house here!!!


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