
We moved in two weeks ago.  And since our anniversary was last week, that means that it was almost exactly 13 years ago that we lived in this apartment.

Not much has changed.  Well, except the rent.  

We even are using the exact same washer/dryers that we used 13 years ago.  

15 years ago, actually, since I lived in Number 9.

We had left practically nothing in the States. We brought nothing with us from Tanzania except 7 boxes, most of which were filled with gifts for other people.  

We had no furniture, no kitchen supplies, no toys for the kids, and no warm clothes.  

Yet here with are, with a full home.  

Pam gave us a recliner.

Maggie gave us a bed for Josiah.

Gil’s folks gave us a couch from their own house, and Gil’s mom went garage-sale-hunting for weeks.

Nicole snagged us a fantastic fridge.

My parents brought down the bunk bed that my brother had slept in, that my Dad had slept in. 

Folks from Hillside gave us bags of warm clothes.

and Valerie wrote to us a few months ago and said, “My Dad just passed away; do you want his furniture?”  She gave us beds and a table and and a dresser and a whole kitchen full of supplies.   

One of the best things about this apartment are the little bathroom heaters.  Gil can’t stop me from turning that on.  

I didn’t spend three hours cooking down tomatoes to make that sauce.  It took me 10 minutes to make dinner.  That, too, is a beautiful thing.

My cup runneth over.  


Some Of Us Are Cold


It’s Tradition

1 Comment

  1. Alison H

    Ah…the beautiful Body of Christ! Have a great Fall!


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