
A lot of people at Christmastime travel to the tropics.  But we in the tropics?  We travel to the mountains.  We want the cold.  And in Lushoto, a town about 7 hours away from us, is one of our favorite places ever. 

Like last year, we were blessed with such an amazing week.  There’s never that much to it–just reading (this year was The Hunger Games trilogy for me), playing games, hanging out with excellent friends.  Eating great food that I didn’t have to cook.  Kids playing outside all day.  Enjoying the beauty of the mountains.  And wearing sweaters. 

Grace had her birthday in Lushoto, but we didn’t do a party there this year, since she wants to have one with her friends from school (which will happen next weekend).  But Daddy couldn’t let the special day pass without some fun, so he created a Treasure Hunt that took them all over the lodge.  Like I said.  Best Daddy Ever. 

And he had his own fun by playing soccer with the locals every evening.

With his miniature Buzz:  His favorite Christmas present.



New Year’s Eve Dance Party.  Thankfully, Daddy did not put his arm through a window this year.

Gil got to play football every evening, and use his new macro lens every day.  He was in heaven.



Next Year We’re Just Getting Them the Boxes


No Regrets


  1. Jen

    LOVE your pictures! Looks like a WONDERFUL time to refuel!

  2. Sarah Kompelien

    I absolutely love that picture of Grace and her friend having "coffee" 🙂 So precious!


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