Proud to be an Evangelical Orphan Lover

Sometimes I am bewildered.

In the past number of weeks, I have read a number of articles that seem to be distinctly anti-adoption.  Have you sensed this too?

There was a really long one about this terrible underground world of “re-homing” difficult adopted children–usually those adopted internationally.

There was the one about how most orphans are not really orphans because their parents have died, but placed in orphanages due to poverty.

There also was the one I have seen a few different times, about how evangelicals are apparently to blame for all of the abuses in international adoption, because of their fervor to adopt orphans.  (Oh, those nasty evangelicals….how could they do such a thing?)  That article was written by an author who has written an entire book on the subject.

Tomorrow is Orphan Sunday, the day when thousands of evangelical churches will be emphasizing orphan care.

How dare they?

Seriously, I am bewildered.  Since when did adoption become a bad thing?

I am not an expert.  I do not know very much about adoption in countries other than Tanzania and Ethiopia.  But I have a few thoughts on this.

Like every other system in the world, adoption has been tainted by sin.  It’s a good thing–a great thing–but there are still people in that system who are corrupt and will use it for their own gain.  This does not mean we throw out  the system….or blame the people who want to adopt the children!  And there are many wonderful organizations out there who are working hard to make sure this corruption is kept at bay.  For our Ethiopia adoption, our agency sends out a private investigator to create a video record of the background of each and every child it places for adoption.  We can have absolute assurance that everything has been done to research these children.  There is always risk, but there are ways to keep it to a minimum.

Let’s talk about those poverty orphans.  I think somehow we envision the poor, starving, weeping mother handing her baby over to an orphanage worker, while the orphanage greedily accepts the baby and shoves the mother out into the cold.

Have we ever stopped to think about the fact that most babies placed for adoption in America could be considered “poverty orphans?”  Yet do we wring our hands about this and discourage couples from applying to adopt them?

Of course, any mother or father who desires to keep their child should be given every opportunity to do so.  Absolutely.  No question.  Shame on the orphanages who discourage this.  I know they exist, but that does not mean that we deem the whole system corrupt.

Poverty is complex.  Money alone does not solve poverty.  Just like in America, poverty in the third world often includes all kinds of other problems:  addictions, family breakdown, abuse.  In America, a mother may relinquish her child for adoption even though she loves that child.  She wants the child to have a better life than what she can offer him.  Can’t an African mother do the same?

There is no easy answer.  It is complex.

Or what about the reality that in some countries, many true orphans end up in relatives’ homes where they are treated as second-class citizens?  Where they are given food and shelter, but become the house servant?  Is it better for such a child to stay with her family, or go to an orphanage?

I think that a problem with Americans in general–not just evangelicals–is that they like a quick fix and an easy answer.  In reality, it’s never like that.  Which is why orphan care and poverty alleviation need to be long-term and relationship-based and gospel-centered–because that, of course, is the ultimate solution.

But let’s just step back and say for a minute that we’ll only consider true orphans for adoption.  Okay.  What about them?

What about those that were abandoned in fields or down outhouse pits?

What about those who live in countries ravaged by so much AIDS that there are not enough adults to go around?

What about those girls from countries where female babies are thrown away like trash?

What about the special needs children living in ill-equipped orphanages around the world?

These types of children still exist.  In droves.  What happens to them?

Yes, we need to work to change cultural attitudes towards girls.  Yes, we need to help prevent the spread of AIDS.  Yes, we need to help governments to value special needs children.  But in the meantime?

Apparently, someone other than evangelicals need to advocate for their adoption.

So.  Here are my conclusions as we celebrate Orphan Sunday:

As I have written and continue to write on this blog, strive to help and not hurt when you consider poverty alleviation.  Let’s not fixate on orphanages just because they give us the warm fuzzies.  If you volunteer at an orphanage or financially support one, ask good questions.  Do they strive for family reunification whenever possible?  Where does their funding come from?  Are they involving the local community and local church in their decisions?

Sponsor a child.  Lots of good things come from this, and many times kids get to stay with their families when they otherwise wouldn’t be able to.  But not all organizations are alike, so ask good questions in these cases as well.  Don’t choose one based on TV commercials.  Do your homework.

And above all, please don’t give up on international adoption!  It’s gotten harder, all over the world, and I’m sure that’s related to the negative press.  But there are still millions of children all over the world who need a family!  And if you don’t feel called to it yourself, then look for ways you can support people who do.  The adoption process can be really hard, and sometimes it can be even harder to raise an adopted child, depending on the circumstances.  The Church needs to get behind these families in better and more tangible ways.

Don’t be afraid, my friends, to advocate for adoption.  And my fellow over-zealous evangelicals–I count myself as one of you.  Yes, be careful.  Ask good questions.  Don’t look for quick fixes.  But don’t stop advocating for the orphan!

Evangelicals, keep at it.  I’m proud to be one of you.

*Note added in 2016:  Though I stand behind a lot of what I wrote here, my eyes have been opened to the reality of the corruption involved in international adoption.  Please click hereto read what I discovered.


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The Boy with the Million Dollar Smile


  1. Alyssa

    I am immensely proud of you. Thank you for advocating for the heart of God.

  2. Maggie

    Here from Challies. 🙂
    I am with you and like you – an evangelical that advocates strongly and unyielding for the orphan.
    I don't think that most people are trying to be 'anti-adoption,' I think that they are just trying to make sure it is done right. Which is biblical – we should always strive to do things with excellence.
    I advocate for people to adopt from foster care, but not without telling them how hard it will be, to count the cost, and how different parenting will be after adoption. Not because I'm trying to talk them out of it, but because I want them to be prepared for what they are getting into and aware of what adoption entails.
    All that to say, I think that most people are being genuine and trying their best to advocate for the orphan's best interest. 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    As a person in the middle of an international adoption, I could not agree with you more. We started the process about 2 years ago. In that time, I have felt the evangelical world question what we are doing — almost making us feel like what we are doing is bad — an awful thing. Yet, we are trying to be obedient to what God has called us to. What person in their right mind, in their 50s, with an empty nest, chooses to give everything up to adopt 2 children from Haiti? To start everything over? To give up retirement savings? To give up new found freedom as an empty nester? UNLESS, they are following God's call on their lives? And then to have that met with questioning and doubt — it has been a very rough and rocky road. Thanks for putting perspective on this again.

  4. Lauren


  5. Mike

    boltjason wrote "I want to know if I am actually required to support people who feel called to adoption"

    Aren't we all required to look after others, whether we 'feel' it or not? Let scripture be the measure

    James 1:27

    New American Standard Bible (NASB)

    Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit (ἐπισκέπτεσθαι, which means to look after or care for) orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

  6. boltjason


    Thanks for taking the time to try and help me better understand how it is that you come to hold your opinion on these matters.


  7. theologista


    Yes, I agree with everything you are saying. I think that you would like this article from John Piper on the same topic, not sure if you have read it yet:

    See you Sunday!

    🙂 Sarah

  8. Edie

    Ah Amy, it always does my heart good to see someone of like-mind. Thank you! Did I ever tell you about ChildSHARE? Their mission is to approach faith communities and encourage, advocate, support them to work with foster kids both by foster parenting and adoption. We became members almost 17 years ago and Naomi's longest friend was met there, when she was 6 months old. They have a monthly support group meeting at The Sanc. Perhaps you may find some "evangelical" encouragement there, even though their adoption stories are very different from yours! You can check out their website Tell them Edie sent you. Hugs–

  9. boltjason


    Thanks for the link to Piper's article. I enjoyed it very much.


  10. Amy Medina

    Sarah–He always says it so well, doesn't he? I had read that one but forgot about it….I wish I had linked it in my post!

    And Edie–thanks for the resource!


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