
HOPAC students work really hard. HOPAC uses the Cambridge International Curriculum (IGCSE, or rather O-levels and A-levels). A-level classes (11th and 12th grades) are definitely at least equivalent to AP classes in the States, if not higher. I spoke to one teacher the other day who felt that the content of her A-level psychology class was actually post-college graduate level.

Last night Gil and I went to an Awards Ceremony for two of our students. Lotta received the highest marks on both her Business Studies and Biology exams of any student in all of Tanzania. Dorothy did the same on her Geography exam. Gathered at this ceremony were students and families from schools all over Tanzania. It was held at the fanciest hotel in town (where President Bush himself stayed in February) and the British High Commissioner (who kept being referred to as “Your Excellency”) did the ceremony.

We were proud! I was Lotta and Dorothy’s teacher for 5th and 6th grades. This is now Gil’s fourth year as their Bible teacher. Both of them are a huge part of our lives and our kids’ lives. We love both of them as daughters…who are now old enough to be our friends.

They are now both seniors and we are having lots of conversations about college. I think I understand what it must be like for parents to have to send their 18-year-olds away! How I pray for God’s grace and mercy to follow them wherever they go.


On a Lighter Subject….


Did You Know….?


  1. Anonymous

    cool amy!

  2. Anonymous

    They are both beautiful… but Lotta looks amazing! Please tell them hi and I’m very proud of them too! What an honor! 🙂

    And I LOVE the pics of your precious kids! They are so cute!


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