Places This Amazing Really Do Exist

Gil is home from a month of language school on  Zanzibar island.  Hooray!

In between filling his brain with Kiswahili, he took pictures.  Zanzibar is right off the coast of Dar es Salaam, and is an inhabited island of 1 million people.  It is technically part of Tanzania, but very Arab-influenced, very Muslim, and full of history.

It also happens to be one of the most beautiful, intriguing places on earth.

Enjoy his pictures with me….I had a hard time narrowing them down!


That Boy and His Girl


24 Hours


  1. Unknown

    Someone needs to cut that tree out of the path! 🙂

    Nice pics guys, they look like something you'd see in a travel brochure.

  2. Unknown

    that was b, not J 🙂

  3. Herding Grasshoppers

    WOW! What a gorgeous place – I had no idea!

  4. Sandra

    Great to see some pics of Zanzibar – some friends served the Lord there for several years – an amazing place.

  5. Mona-Liza

    My favourites:
    The two little girls with their baba.
    The man crouching at the waterside.
    The orange peeler.
    The mzee sipping his chai on the steps.
    All every-day sights in Stonetown, yet so warmly and beautifully captured by Gil. Hongera sana!

  6. Mona-Liza

    My favourites:
    The two little girls with their baba.
    The man crouching at the waterside.
    The orange peeler.
    The mzee sipping his chai on the steps.
    All every-day sights in Stonetown, yet so warmly and beautifully captured by Gil. Hongera sana!

  7. Babu

    Just awesome. What a photographer.

  8. Cecilie

    Beautiful pictures, Gil! Didn't make me want to go to Zanzibar again at all!! 😉


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