
We’re supposed to be excited KFC is coming to town. I guess because it’s American. But considering the fact that fried chicken is already a staple here, and I never really liked KFC to begin with, all I can say is….meh. 


However, this billboard intrigues me. 

Problem #1:  Though Tanzanians eat almost everything with their hands, they do not lick their fingers.  At all.  This is why many dining rooms include a small sink in the corner. 

Problem #2:  I should specify that Tanzanians do not eat with their hands, but their hand.  Their right hand.  Food is never touched with the left hand while eating.  The left hand is reserved for unmentionable bathroom activites. 

Someone on the KFC marketing committee did not do their cultural homework. 


In Between




  1. Mark

    The absolute first thing I thought when I saw it…"HE'S LICKING A FINGER ON HIS LEFT HAND!!!! WHO PUT THIS BILLBOARD UP?"

    I'm sure we'll try it at least once, but I can't imagine it will be cheap.

  2. Mark

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  3. Mark

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  4. Anonymous

    So funny Amy and so true!!


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