One Less Orphan

We’ll start with these for today.  Lots more will come later.  🙂




Angels All Around


  1. Sammye Walton

    Precious! She fits right in 🙂 Can't wait to meet her.

  2. Anonymous

    So so happy for you guys!!! I just wanna jump up and down from joy!!! Congrats you awesome Medinas!!! Love from Denmark! -Cecilie

  3. Alison H

    Not sure whose face is brighter, Lily's or yours! Congrats! Your family makes me so very happy! Praise the Lord for his bountiful blessings!

  4. Anonymous

    so cute jenny

  5. Janet McB

    You can tell she knows she's yours!! So happy for the 5 of you!

  6. Evelyn

    Rejoicing with you! She's beautiful! Our God is so faithful!

  7. Christina (Phillips) Diaz

    Congratulations and hugs to you all!! So excited for you! Praying for a great bonding and adjustment time. 😉

  8. Melodie Monberg

    What a beautiful family! God is so good.

  9. jibberish

    Such beautiful smiles! Congrats to all!!!

  10. tulip

    She's SO beautiful. In the first picture, she looks just like Josiah…it took my breath away!!! Happy day for all 5 of you…congratulations!!!!

  11. emily

    I love reading your blog! This post makes me especially happy 🙂 She is beautiful and SO BLESSED to be a part of your family. ♥

  12. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    What absolutely beautiful pictures. They brought tears to my eyes knowing that Lily and your family are finally together. Praying that the time of transition is wonderful. Congratulations on the arrival of your third "baby."

  13. Rachel

    oh, so lovely — every single one of them!!

  14. Bryan Harrison

    Congratulations. Happy for your family and for Lily. Amazing what God works out in our lives.

  15. Lisa

    Praise the Lord! I have been praying and I am rejoicing that your family is all together now. Lily is just so precious! She looks so comfy in your arms and has the most adorable smile.

  16. Anonymous

    SOOO cute! Thank you Lord for this precious wee one!

    Jackie Behrends
    CrossWinds Church
    So Cal


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