One Girl

Maggie needed a senior picture photoshoot, so Gil was happy to oblige.  And of course, setting up the lighting meant that everyone else in the house got in on the action as well.  But the focus was on Maggie.

She grew up in a small town in Tanzania, one of many children.  She figured out early on that she was really good at math and science.  And determined.  She went to boarding school from the age of 8, and once she hit secondary school, managed to get herself scholarships to better and better schools, finally finishing her last two years at HOPAC.  And this year, she was offered the ultimate scholarships of all:  full-rides to both Stanford and MIT to study engineering. 

Through an intricate set of circumstances that was one of those God-things, she has ended up living with us since November.  And then my mom came out to visit in February, so Maggie got to know her.  And then she chose Stanford University, which is only 30 minutes from my parents’ house. 

So now, as she graduates next week and is being sent out into that scary world called America in August–her first time out of Tanzania, her first time on a plane ever–my parents will be there to pick her up at the airport.  And help her get a bike.  And find her way around.  And show her how to order a drink at Starbucks. 

Thanks, God!  That is really cool how You worked that out. 

And someday she will return to Tanzania and change the world. 

But for now, I’m just thankful that God gave us this opportunity to change each other’s worlds, just a little bit. 

It’s been such a great experience that we’re doing it again next year, this time with Sam from South Africa.  But more about her later.


The Sublime and the Ridiculous


Why I Love Writing Prayer Letters


  1. da halls

    I hope to get to meet her while she's in the States!

  2. The Guthries

    Hi Amy,

    My name is Carin and I found you through Missionary Moms website. I love your blog and have read through quite a bit of it this week:0) I am a missionary mom in Bolivia and am currently homeschooling. We will be putting our kids into a great, small and young Christian Int'l school next year and I have the opportunity to become part of the staff and be a T.A and discipleship. I would love to chat with you about this, especially after reading through your blog but there does not seem to be any way of contacting you. If you go over to my blog there is an e-mail address for me if you are interested in chatting one missionary mom to another.
    May the peace of Christ be with you,
    Carin in Bolivia


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