
This morning I went into Grace’s room and she was sitting on her bed “reading” this:

It’s a fabulous little catechism that is recommended by John Piper. Grace has been memorizing it and she loves it. So this morning when I walked in, she started asking me the questions. “Mommy, Who is God? Who wrote the Bible? Why did God make you?” And then, “Good girl, Mommy!” when I answered correctly.

Then she asked, “Where is God?”

“God is everywhere,” I said.

She looked up at me. “Why is God everywhere?” (This is not a question from her book. And she’s really not that philosophical. She’s just three and likes to ask ‘why.’)

“Well,” I said. “Because He is God. He can do anything. He has all the power.”

She gave me a knowing look. “No, Mommy. Tanesco has all the power.”

Ah. Tanesco. That would be the power company. Obviously a common topic of conversation in our house.


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  1. Anonymous

    I LOVE the tanesco comment by Grace! They do seem to have all the power 🙂 How great to know the One who really does! I love reading your blogs – it makes me feel connected to Tanzania and yet makes me miss it so much as well!

  2. Anonymous

    aww amy shes too cute!

  3. Anonymous

    That is HYSTERICAL!!! Love you guys!

  4. Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel

    Yes, I guess to a 3 year old, Tanesco and God are pretty much on the same level in terms of power!

  5. Anonymous

    That is hilarious. I laughed until I cried over the Tanesco comment. Smart, yet precocious girl!

  6. Jayme Solomon

    Love the Tanesco comment. Too funny! Kids pick up the funniest things from what we say…

  7. Jayme Solomon

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous

    This had me crying (because I miss you both so much!) and laughing (I don’t miss tanesco!).
    Love, Janelle

  9. Tundra Mom

    So funny that she knows the power company names. A common disscussion at our house is the pipe and water and drains, and pumps and water….
    EVERYTIME we go to a new place, he asks. Where the water goes, how it works and where all the water comes from.
    He is really smart and keen on details too… I love hearing these times of questions that show he really is in a different environment!


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