Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder

Today is the day!

I am writing this post from the car.  We’ve been on the road two hours.  I think we’re somewhere near Sacramento….

Our trusty Honda Odyssey will be our home for the next six weeks.  We’re going through Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, Indiana….all the way to the east coast, down to Georgia, and then back to southern California through the southern states.

We will visit New York, Washington DC, the Grand Canyon….

but most importantly, and the reason we’re doing this crazy trip–

We will be visiting about 30 homes.  Friends from California who have moved to other parts of the country, former staff from HOPAC, and old friends that even go as far back as my Liberia days–people I haven’t seen in over 20 years.  

Our itinerary is over 6 pages long.  

But we’ve got a GPS, we’ve got Kindle Fires and Leapsters, we’ve even got a tiny fridge that runs on the car battery.  We’ve got stickers and a prize box and plastic containers that fit into every nook and cranny of the car!

I am going to attempt to blog about every state we visit.  Very sorry for those of you who want to hear about Africa and now get a U.S. travel blog.  I won’t be offended if you take a six-week hiatus from reading.  ðŸ™‚

Destination of the Day:  Middle of Nowhere, Nevada.  Nothing like starting off the trip with a bang.  






  1. Cecilie

    Looks like you got everything to fit, and in a very organized manor too! Give the kids hugs from me, will ya, I miss them already… 🙂 I'm sure the kids will look back at this trip and thank you for making such wonderful memories with them! (Kids never remember the days when everyone's tired, or lost! At least I don't!) 🙂 Enjoy the excitement of Nevada! 😉

  2. Anonymous

    Looks like someone's been reading Pinterest on travel organization! Packing with drawers seems like such a great way to do it. I will be interested to hear how that worked out! 🙂

  3. tulip

    Ya know….it might have taken a little longer but the drive through southern Idaho, then down towards SLC is a MUCH prettier drive….and with a bonus of visiting with US (I know…complete strangers….how cool is that?!)!

    Have a great, safe trip and may all potty stops be exactly when you need them!! 😉


  4. Anonymous

    How exciting! This will be one of those trips you never forget. Have a blast. Take lots of pictures and be flexible. I will be tuning in! Patty


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