No Such Thing As Strangers

To my children, there are no strangers.

We have visited dozens of homes and churches and people in the last 4 months. And of course, everyone already knows who they are. Everyone is a friend. Both Grace and Josiah will now hug and kiss anyone on command. In fact, they will do so even not on command. When they are leaving a home, they automatically hug and kiss everyone in the room. They’ve figured out that’s just what you do.

This does have some ill effects. At the park one day, Grace asked a total stranger to push her on the swings. At Disneyland last week, my kids socialized with everyone around them. (“My name is Grace; What’s your name?”) I’m kind of surprised they didn’t start hugging and kissing them as well.

They’ve loved it. Quite often when they pray, they thank God for their new friends.


What We’ve Been Showing


A Response to “Why Don’t You Just Adopt?”

1 Comment

  1. M&B

    Precious!! Eli (our little guy) and Josiah have a matching set of jammies! I wish so much that we were closer to CA and could've come to visit! Maybe the next time around we won't have an infant to travel with!


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