Anne and I have been friends since 8th grade….that’s over 25 years!

My parents took us on a wonderful vacation to Zion and Bryce National Parks in Utah.  It was truly majestic! 

Me and my mama

While in Utah, we stayed at a wonderful restored old house with quaintly creaky floors and snapdragons in the front yard.  The kids played wiffle ball in the sprinklers and we enjoyed some of small-town Americana.

Some good friends who used to live in Tanzania flew all the way from Wisconsin to visit us!  We spent a great couple of days together and the kids loved reconnecting with Ruby and Henry (and I loved being with their mom!)

The legendary cement slides at Brigadoon Park in San Jose
Ice cream in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco
Johnny’s butterfly friend inside the Golden Gate Park Conservatory
Investigating carnivorous plants in the Conservatory

Of course, Grandma always insists on a trip to Disneyland!  The kids got one day there with Mom and Dad and another day with just their relatives, as Mom and Dad needed to be at a church.

Lily learning to fight the Dark Side.
Splash Mountain.  We discovered that Johnny is an adrenaline junkie who loves roller coasters.

We’ve experienced a lot of amazing hospitality so far in the States, but this day was particularly special.  My former professor from The Master’s College (one of two who taught me almost everything I know about education) had us all over for lunch.  She set out dozens of items for the kids to make food sculptures, and they had a marvelous time playing with their food!