We are all back in Tanzania and new things are happening (more about that later), but first I need to get caught up on July’s pictures.  

Appropriately for America, Wiffle ball replaced soccer as my boys’ game of choice.  They played almost every single day.
Dodger fever, with their cousin
Celebrating the Fourth with family
My littlest boy’s first time watching fireworks
On vacation in San Diego with Gil’s family, playing Wiffle ball (of course)
and there’s the whole Medina gang
still on vacation
keepin’ it real….my kids are modern American kids too
Enjoying friends at Faith Community Church
So the soccer love still came out when Dad and Josiah had a dream fulfilled….watching Manchester United and Real Madrid play live in Santa Clara
San Jose’s classic:  Happy Hollow

cousins and Babu (grandpa)
Me and my bro
cousins again
This time at a San Jose Giants game (Triple A), and Grace got to be a junior commentator. My little ham rocked it.