Mama Grace

Now that I have become a mother, my entire identity has changed in Tanzania. A Tanzanian woman’s identity is wrapped up in her children, so much so that her name changes with the birth of her first child. I am now known as “Mama Grace.” Tanzanians pay a whole lot more attention to me now…which could be because my baby is brown…but also because I have a baby at all. Checkers at the grocery store where I shop have seen me for a year and never paid much attention to me; now they always address me as “Mama Grace” and ask about her, even if she’s not with me.




Mood Lighting


  1. Naomi Smith

    so, I wonder what they call you when you have more than one kiddo?

  2. Amy Medina

    Stays the same after the first kid. The firstborn is the most important, so that’s the name that is used–although sometimes I think that it can be changed to the firstborn BOY. Sometimes it’s hard to even find out what a woman’s real name is!

  3. da halls

    Ok. That answers our question. We were wondering if you had 10 kids if your name would be Mama Grace-Billy Bob Joe-Henry-George-Sally-…HeyYou…
    Mary Beth


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