Make Me Steadfast

I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the LORD, do all these things.

Too many things swirling around my mind.

Grace’s U.S. immigrant visa interview this morning…did I ever realize what a complicated procedure this is? Just because she’s adopted by Americans doesn’t automatically make her American.

Josiah’s homestudy appointment this afternoon. Josiah’s court hearing on April 17th.

Moving out on Saturday. Yep, moving out. It’s happening. The landlord is bound and determined to knock down all our internal walls and build them again. Can’t be disuaded. So, we’re moving. To short-term housing that is way too expensive but we don’t really have a choice.

He says 1-2 months…we’re doubling that and hoping it’s not even longer.

Moving…moving…what to take? What to store? Can’t take apart the house yet because the homestudy is this afternoon. Can’t take the dogs with us…can’t leave them here…

Too many deadlines…too many details…and a daughter who is going through a disobedient stage…

And then there’s all the bad news. Aren’t you getting it too? Too many people losing jobs…too many people I love who are struggling. What’s next? And I’m guessing the worst is yet to come…and afraid to open my news page every day.

These are uncertain times. But is anything ever certain?

Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail

They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

He is good, and He is in control.

You will keep in perfect peace
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you.


“How Beautiful Are the Feet of Those Who Bring Good News…”


Little Man


  1. Erin

    Amen, sister. Amen. Praying for you all!

  2. Sammye & Tumaini

    Sounds like Grace is going through the same type of phase (about the right age) that I was going through with Tumi when we last saw you all. Lots of prayers coming your way 🙂 Are you all doing the I-600 now? Wishing you the best on you court hearing. I will be bringing you a “Josiah” dogtag to add to your “been to battle” necklace :), when we are in Dar in June.

  3. Anonymous

    wow amy you guys are through a lot!

  4. Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel

    Regarding your comment on my last post, it’s good to know I’m not the only mom whose children set them straight AND who tells the kids “just go in your diaper!”

    Sorry to hear things are so crazy right now. It sounds very stressful. We will certainly be praying for you!

  5. Amy Medina

    Sammye–not doing the I-600, but another one that is much shorter, because she has lived with us for two years overseas. Still a lot of work though. However, we were granted the visa yesterday! So hopefully should be smooth sailing from here. Will look forward to seeing you in June!

  6. Carley

    Amy, I am always encouraged by your honesty and attitude!

    Please let me know how I can help tonight and tomorrow.

    and I’d take your dogs if I could…

  7. The Malmgaard Family

    That was some great verses… They helped me try to look positive at things, thanks… I now what you mea when you say you’re afraid to see what tomorow’ll bring..anyway, you guys will be in my prayers…

  8. Anonymous

    This posting (as our talks often did) made me treasure the goodness and sovereignty of our God even more! Thanks!!
    Love, Janelle


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